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词汇 rock formation
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rock formations───岩层

back formation───n.逆构词

back formations───n.逆构词


word formation───n.构词,构词法;词性转换

cloud formation───云之形成

word formations───n.构词,构词法;词性转换

I formation───一、编队

T formation───T形


Massive, granite rock formation s overlook beautiful, white - sand beaches.───庞大的花岗岩层俯瞰美丽的白沙滩.

Speaking of volcanoes , man, are they a violent igneous rock formation!───是啊, 像火山一样.可怕的火成岩构成.

A massive rock formation blocked the end of the valley.───一块巨大的岩石横在山谷的尽头.

feet tall, the rock formation is the third tallest intertidal structure in the world.───英尺的高度,这座岩层成了世界第三高的潮间带结构。

This mountain lion's favorite spot is a large rock formation where he rests in the late afternoon.───这只美洲狮最爱之地便是一块巨大的岩层,日暮时分,它在这儿憩息。

Fault is obvious displacement structure caused by fracture of rock formation or rock mass.───断层是岩层或岩体顺破裂而发生明显位移的构造.

A: A rock formation that is millions of years old.───那是一块经过数百万年而形成的巨大岩层.

This rock formation feathered out.───这一岩层的末端凹凸不平.

I had to do an in - class presentation on volcanic rock formation.───我曾在班内做过一次关于火山岩成因的讲演.

Park, rock formation, colorful, pictographic Xiao material.───公园的奇岩怪石 、 多姿多彩 、 象形肖物.

Danfeng Group is a principle ore - bearing rock formation with gold, silver and lead - zinc mineralization.───丹凤群是该矿床的重要的含金 、 银、铅岩系.

Tour Guide: It's carved into a bedrock of granite gneiss . It's also Kinmen's primary rock formation.───导游: 是花岗片麻岩, 这种岩石也是金门主要的地质之一.

A dragon like rock formation created from thousand years of erosion.───几千年的腐蚀创造而成了一条像龙的岩石形成。

According to a Cornell astronomer, it's just rock formation.───据天文学家称, 那只是一块岩石.

Geographical condition, rock formation and geological structure control the storage, migration, and accumulation of karst water.───自然地理, 地层岩性及地质构造控制了徐州岩溶地下水的储存 、 运移特徵与富水规律.


Author presents stress component's expression under polar coordinate while a single force is applied to horizontal rock formation by means of Airy's stress function.

Speaking of volcanoes , man, are they a violent igneous rock formation!

According to a Cornell astronomer, it's just rock formation.

Park, rock formation, colorful, pictographic Xiao material.

Above: The distinctive rock formation of the Trinnacle, at Ravenstones.

Taoyuan gold deposit locates in impurity carbonate rock containing volcanic materials of Lower Carboniferous, lower rock formation, littoral- neritic facies.

The Old Man of Storm rock formation on the Isle of Skye.

A dragon like rock formation created from thousand years of erosion. When I returned there last April, the dragon's head has collapsed for unknown reason.

Compact rock formation formed a available reservoir with effective porosity and permeability because there are a many of fractures in it.

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