

词汇 rocket fire
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rocket base───火箭基地

rocket fuel───火箭燃料

rocket engine───n.火箭发动机;火箭引擎

rocket bases───火箭基地

rocket fuels───火箭燃料

rocket plane───喷气式飞机;火箭飞机

rocket range───火箭射程

rocket ships───[军][船]装备火箭的舰船

rocket engines───n.火箭发动机;火箭引擎


During the three-hour lull in fighting by Israel, Hamas also held its rocket fire.───在以方袭击的三小时休战期里,哈马斯方面同样停止了其火箭炮攻击。

Palestinian rocket fire at Israel is testing a shaky ceasefire in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.───巴勒斯坦人向以色列发动火箭袭击正在考验在哈马斯统治的加沙地带实施的脆弱停火。

a new conflict it could be cut by rocket fire within hours.───新一轮冲突发生,输油管道可能会在数小时内被炮火炸毁。

Even if it was a Palestinian group who fired the rockets, Hizbullah would have to at least have turned a blind eye to allow the rocket fire.───国防部的一位官员说“即使是巴勒斯坦人的组织发射的这些火箭弹,真主党也必须睁一只眼闭一只眼。”

This should help the wearer to avoid attracting mujahideen rocket fire if she wanders into a war zone on her way back from the boutique.───如果穿着者走出服装店、去某个战区闲逛,这身衣服应该能帮她避免引起穆斯林游击队火箭炮的攻击。

The aim, Israel says is to stop Hamas rocket fire into Israel and in the longer-term keep Hamas from being able to rearm.───以色列说,他们的目的是制止哈马斯向以色列发动火箭攻击,而他们的长远目标是阻止哈马斯重新武装。

The White House on Monday called on Hamas to halt rocket fire against Israel, so calm can be restored in Gaza.───周一,白宫呼吁哈马斯停止对以色列的火箭筒袭击,使加沙恢复和平。

With air raids and rocket fire from an unassailable distance, the regime's forces drove the rebels out of the desert.───在来自射程之外的火箭炮和空军袭击之下,卡扎非的军队将叛军赶出沙漠。

Israel has said it will halt its offensive only if Hamas halts all rocket fire into Israel and the group is unable to rearm.───以色列声明只有当哈马斯停止所有的火箭发射到以色列并且不能改善装置才会停止对抗。


On the first day they shell a village from long range with artillery and rocket fire.

The terms will probably include an end to Hamas's rocket fire and tighter monitoring of the tunnels between Gaza and Egypt, in return for Israel's lifting of its economic blockade.

US and Afghan troops in Marjah come under sporadic rocket fire and heavy machine-gun fire.

Rocket fire closed the international airport on two occasions at the end of the month.

The terms will probably include an end to Hamas's rocket fire and tighter monitoring of the tunnels between Gaza and Egypt, in return for Israel's lifting of its economic blockade (see article).

  • rocket fuel
  • rockets have found application
  • rocket launcher
  • rockets wire
  • rocket royale
  • rocket science




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