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词汇 robber baron
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robber barons───强盗贵族;强盗大亨

robber crab───n.椰子蟹,强盜蟹

rubber band───橡皮筋

rubber bands───[橡胶]橡皮筋;摩擦索线

rubber boot───胶靴;橡皮罩;橡胶套

rubber burns───橡胶烧伤

comber boards───目板

robber trench───n.强盗沟

comber board───目板


Even setting aside its alleged robber baron, this will be tough.───甚至不理会所谓的强盗式资本家,这项任务将是艰巨的。

Vanderbilt, a New York robber baron on the other side of the tracks, he tackles the economic divisions in America as well as the social ones.───一次,他把目标转向纽约大亨范德比尔特——“铁轨”上另一种形式的强盗。斯蒂尔斯的传记在处理了社会冲突之后又加进了经济分歧的内容。

stereotypic Abolitionist, Robber Baron, Progressive Reformer, New Dealer is as good a place as any to begin understanding the past, but each of these inherited images needs critical adjusting.───形象刻板的废奴主义者,19世纪被称作“强盗男爵”的商人和银行家,1890年到1920年美国进步时代的改革者们,还有罗斯福新政,都是理解历史的绝好起点,但这每一个被刻板塑造出的形象都需要批判的修正。

The important distinction is not between the free-market robber baron and the authorised and regulated toll gatherer.───重要的差别不在于是自由市场强盗贵族,还是得到授权并受到监管的收费者;

It is difficult to imagine how the country's anarchic, robber-baron ways will serve China well for the next 30 years.───很难想象在未来三十年,这个国家无法无天的、强盗式资本家的方式如何为中国服务。

In 1886, the Knights of Labor struck against the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific railroads, owned by robber baron Jay Gould.───在1886年,劳工骑士团(KnightsofLabor)向强盗男爵JayGould所拥有的联合太平洋铁路和密苏里州太平洋铁路开展罢工活动。


The stereotypic Abolitionist, Robber Baron, Progressive Reformer, New Dealer is as good a place as any to begin understanding the past, but each of these inherited images needs critical adjusting.

In 1886, the Knights of Labor struck against the Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific railroads, owned by robber baron Jay Gould.

Legend has it a notorious robber baron from the 15th century escaped the revenge of the Holy Roman Emperor with his family and they settled in this castle.





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