

词汇 rich man
释义 rich man
rich man发音




ice man───冰球运动员;冰人

ring man───n.赌客;拳击手

rice bran───米糠

rich vein───富矿脉

sixth man───第六人

rich mediae───媒体

rich nation───富国

service man───n.服务员

hit man───职业凶手


It is strange that such a rich man should be so stingy.───说来真怪,这么有钱的人居然那么小气.

A thousand pounds is nothing to a rich man.───一千镑对富翁来说算不上什麽.

Cameron was a rich man, a patrician.───卡梅隆曾经是个有钱的贵族子弟。

Everything goes to the rich man.───油水都归有钱的人了.

I have become a rich man.───我成了一个有钱人。

He posed as a rich man though he owed more than the owned.───虽然他欠的债比他的财产多,但依然装作富翁的样子.

He was dreaming how he could become a rich man.───他想像着怎样能成为富人.

A poor man has less money than a rich man.───穷人的钱比富人的少.

The rich man lived in a splendid house.───那个富翁住在豪华的宅子里.

She was an intelligent woman who refused to be a rich man's plaything.───她是个有头脑的女性,拒不肯做富人的玩物。

You're going to be a very rich man.───你将成为一个非常富的人。

He has been successful in life and was a rich man.───他(在事业上)很成功,成了富翁.

The rich man lives in luxurious surroundings.───这位富人生活在奢侈的环境中.

A rich man has great wealth.───富人有大量财产.

I have not always been the neighbour of a rich man.───我并非常常都是富人的邻人.

He's fooled a lot of people into believing he's a rich man.───他骗得许多人相信他是个富人.

He was a rich man and he had made every penny himself.───他是个富翁,但他的钱都是自己挣来的.

A rich man can be lavish of [ with ] his money.───富有的人用钱 大手大脚.


The rich man lives in luxurious surroundings.

  • richter scale
  • richest people in the world
  • richly colored
  • richest person in the world
  • rich way
  • rich heritage
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  • rich man




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