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reversed engineering───[计]逆向工程

reverses engineering───逆向工程

to reverse engineering───逆向工程

reversing engineering───[计]逆向工程


genetic engineering───遗传工程


process engineering───工艺过程;程序工程

electron engineering───电子工程


A reverse engineering software prototype was developed on the basis of algorithmic research.───开发了一个逆向工程软件原型系统,已应用于多家企业.

A new method is offered to extract quadric surface based measured points for reverse engineering.───为逆向工程中基于测量点的二次曲面提取提供了一种新的方法.

Free - form curves and surfaces are widely used in shape design and reverse engineering.───自由曲线和曲面在汽车、家电外形设计和反求工程中有着广泛的应用.

Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.───施乐公司展开了一项逆向工程。他们把日本的机器拆开,调查了日本的工厂来弄清楚他们怎么生产出了如此了不起的产品。

Reverse engineering is a great skill, one that I personally am no good at anymore.───反向工程是一个更要技术的工作, 这个我一点也不擅长.

It is necessary to triangulate the point cloud in reverse engineering and rapid prototyping.───点云数据三角化处理是逆向工程及快速原型领域中不可缺少的环节.

The study of curve reconstruction based on unorganized data points has great importance in reverse engineering.───在反求工程中,基于散乱数据点的曲线重建研究有着重要的意义.

A practical case a horse in chess by reverse engineering and NC technology was given.───最后描述了采用逆向工程技术进行国际象棋的棋子———马从模型到成品零件数控加工的实例.

Provide professional rapid prototyping equipment and services, reverse engineering services and equipment, mechanical design and manufacturing.───提供专业快速成型设备及服务, 逆向工程及设备服务, 机械产品设计与制造.

Extracting quadric surface from measured data is an important problem in reverse engineering of mechanical parts.───在机械产品的逆向工程中,针对测量数据提取常用二次曲面是非常重要的.

Conclusion The developed dentures and reverse engineering method can be used in building finite element models.───结论可显影的全口义齿结合应用逆向工程原理能完全满足下颌中性区全口义齿有限元建模的需要.

This is called "reverse engineering."───这称为 “反向工程”。

Reverse engineering plays an increasingly important role in creative product design and shortening product development.───逆向工程作为一种产品创新设计的重要手段,在敏捷制造、虚拟制造中发挥巨人作用.

Laptops are often designed with proprietary configurations that work with Linux only after some reverse engineering.───膝上型电脑时常与与Linux合作的专有的配置一起设计只有在一些反面的工程学之后.

The reverse engineering is a powerful technology of the exploitation, practicality and comprehension.───逆向工程是一项开拓性 、 实用性和综合性很强的技术.

In this paper, the writer will research into real object photography reverse engineering.───本文主要是对实物的摄影反求进行研究.

The second chapter: CAGD and reverse engineering.───第二章: 计算机辅助几何设计和反向工程理论基础.

Reverse engineering ( RE ) is a advanced manufacturing technology ( AMT ).───反求 工程技术是一门先进制造技术.

Also it can be applied to design the figure of a cam in the reverse engineering.───该测量仪可以用于测试分析凸轮运动规律,并可在逆向工程中用于凸轮曲线轮廓的设计.

In reverse engineering, software pipelining loop causes some difficulties in reverse translation.───在逆向工程中, 软件流水循环为逆向翻译带来了困难.

Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.───施乐公司展开了一项逆向工程。他们把日本的机器拆开,调查了日本的工厂以弄清楚他们如何能生产出如此了不起的产品。

Reverse engineering is the process by which we deduce causes from effects.───反向设计是一个从结果推导原因的过程.

The core technology of reverse engineering is free surfaces reconstruction.───逆向工程的核心技术是自由曲面重构.

The proposed algorithm is finally verified by the second exploiting programming of reverse engineering software.───最后通过逆向软件的二次开发编程验证了算法.

Reverse engineering will be legal from 2007 Feb 1 th in China.───在中国,从2007年2月1日起,逆向工程就是合法的了.

So the reconstruction of surface of revolution becomes a necessary task in reverse engineering.───进行旋转面的重建,是反向工程中的一个必不可少的课题.

Improved Ada reverse engineering.───改进的Ada逆向工程。

Reconstruction and copying machining of existing freeform surface are one of key technology in reverse engineering.───现有自由曲面的重建与仿形制造是反求工程中的关键技术之一.

There are two key techniques in reverse engineering, the numeralization and surface reconstruction of 3 D objects.───三维物体的数字化技术及曲面重构技术是逆向工程的两个核心问题.

Current researches on reverse engineering, surface modeling is by and large ~ adopted.───目前的反求工程研究, 基本上是采用曲面建模的方法.


Xerox set about a process of reverse engineering. It pulled the machines apart and investigated the Japanese factories to find out how they could pull off such feats.

  • reversed phase
  • reverse psychology
  • reverse feat
  • reverse course
  • reverse turn




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