Pelican State───塘鹅州(指美国路易斯安那州)
Republican Party───共和党
previously rock solid Republican states such as Indiana and Kentucky moving into the toss-up category.───印地安那和肯塔基等先前坚定支持共和党的州已经转入摇摆不定的行列。
He was re-elected in 2008 with 78% of the vote in one of the most fiercely Republican states in the nation, and left office with lofty approval ratings.───他在这个国家最猛烈共和党州以78%的得票率再次当选州长。 (2009年)以极高的支持率离职。
Republican states such as Iowa and New Mexico went tumbling Mr Obama's way.───共和党的衣阿华州和新墨西哥州也着了奥巴马的道。
Obama is also slightly ahead or tied in normally strong Republican states like Florida and North Carolina.───在通常是共和党势力强大的州,比如佛罗里达和北卡罗来纳,奥巴马也略微领先或者和麦凯恩持平。
In Republican states, porn usage went up after President Bush won.───在支持共和党的州,布什总统赢后,网络色情图片观看人数有所上升。
With opinion polls showing previously rock solid Republican states such as Indiana and Kentucky moving into the toss-up category.───印地安那和肯塔基等先前坚定支持共和党的州已经转入摇摆不定的行列。
With opinion polls showing previously rock solid Republican states such as Indiana and Kentucky moving into the toss-up category.
- republicans keep senate
- republican party
- republican states
- republican presidents
- republican actors