related species───近缘种
threatened species───濒危物种;受威胁物种
reported speeches───n.间接引语
edge species───边缘种
exotic species───[生物]外来种;外来的物种
rare species───稀有品种
reptile houses───爬行动物之家
the species───人类
tree species───树种
Such are the similarities between these transition species of reptiles and birds that other scientists believe that the new finding certainly will not mean the end of the argument.───这些介于爬虫类和鸟类之间的过渡物种有着如此相似的地方,因此其他科学家无疑地认为这次新发现并不将意味着争论的终结。
In addition, some species, especially reptiles, are hunted or reared for their hides.───另外,人们猎取或养殖一些动物, 尤其是爬行动物,以利用其皮革。
But unlike insects that often fall prey to reptiles scientists have observed one particular species of bug eating snakes and a turtle.───但科学家们观察到,不同于那些通常是爬行动物捕食对象的昆虫,一种特殊种类的昆虫却以蛇类和龟为食。