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词汇 remote island
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remote village───遥远的村庄

heat island───(城市上空气温偏高的)热岛

move inland───向内陆移动

Bedloe Island───贝德罗岛,

Rhode Island───美国罗德岛州

desert island───n.荒岛

heat islands───(城市上空气温偏高的)热岛

ice island───[海洋]浮冰岛



There is a legendary exam question about a traveller who paid for a meal on a remote island by cheque.───有一道考试题目,讲的是一位旅行者在一座偏僻小岛上,用支票来付饭钱。

At least four people died and 11 more were missing after waves swamped a remote island village off Chile.───在海浪淹没智利一岛屿上的偏远村庄后,至少有四人死亡,另有11人失踪。

We find a furry mound of them lolling on a beach on a remote island, but they are more intent on sleeping and scratching themselves with their flippers than making a concerted assault on our zodiacs.───在一处偏远的海岛上,我们发现毛茸茸的海象们懒洋洋地躺在海滩上,它们似乎更乐意睡觉,或用脚蹼为自己抓痒,而无意集合起来向我们的橡皮艇发起攻击。

When a meteor crash creates a fierce storm, they are stranded on a remote island inhabited by only the lighthouse keeper and his wife.───当一颗流星坠落造成一场凶猛的暴风雨时,他们被陷于只有灯塔守卫和他妻子居住的偏僻小岛上。

Next day we put out to sea. The boat anchored at a remote island.───中午的时候,小船停靠在了一个无人岛旁。

This remote island at the top of the world is home to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault (colloquially known as "The Doomsday Vault" ).───这个在地球顶部的偏远小岛正是斯瓦尔巴全球种子库(通俗来说就是世界末日时的诺亚方舟)。

Information has just been trickling out of this remote island, information off the coast of western Sumatra .───这个偏远的岛屿逐渐传出消息,苏门答腊岛西部的消息。

A man stranded on a remote island with no women saw his beard stop growing. Then it resumed when he returned to civilization and sex again.───把一个男人留在遥远的没有女人的岛上,他的胡子停止了生长。

In the end, however, the old ladies forced him to move to a remote island , which lay off the coast.───但是最终老太太们还是强迫他搬到一个远离海岸的偏僻小岛上。


No forgotten outcast on a remote island ever had to put up with anything like this.

When a meteor crash creates a fierce storm, they were trapped in only the lighthouse keeper and his wife on a remote island inhabited.

He should know; he was once warden of the remote island of Skokholm off the Pembrokeshire coast.

Bergman was 47 when he met Ullmann, with whom he settled on the remote island of Faro in 1967.

Why is such a large paper mill located on this remote island?

Tourists are still a novelty on this remote island.

Only rare birds and animals inhabit this remote island.

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