

词汇 reminders of
释义 reminders of
reminders of发音






regardless of───不顾,不管

reminder call───提醒电话




How do we handle regular reminders of household tasks?───我们如何处理家务事的常规提示?

The film evokes chilling reminders of the war.───这部电影使人们回忆起战争的可怕场景。

I hated those bright reminders of life in the forest.───我厌恨这些提醒丛林生活的明快的东西。

The monthly calendar allows you to see the big picture and it includes reminders of that particular month's guide to simplicity.───月计划允许你去看一幅大图画并且它包含特殊的本月简约掼的提醒。

"Everywhere I went there were reminders of him, because we had been everywhere, " she said.───“不管我去哪里都会想起他,因为我们曾一起走过每一个角落,”她说。

He finds a crystal jewel box in the shape of a coffin, which haunts him with reminders of the mission he tried to salvage in East Timor.───他在一具棺木里找到一个水晶珠宝盒,这令他想起在东帝汶试图想抢救的任务种种情形。

Put to a Canadian, such talk may elicit reminders of that country's pivotal influence as a potash, tar sands and uranium producer.───把这番话说给加拿大人听,也许会引发对方提醒,加拿大作为出产钾肥、油砂和铀的国家,拥有关键影响力。

But every so often are reminders of a darker side of the new reality: branches, laid down on the road to indicate a funeral.───但是,四处可见的树枝却预示着新现实更黑暗的一面,铺在路上的数枝预示着有人在办葬礼。

In the run-up to her inauguration, Ms Rousseff also received pointed reminders of the difficulties ahead.───在就职大典前的筹备过程,DilmaRousseff也接受了很多眼前面对困难的中肯提醒。


All night there were small explosions, reminders of the war.

But the most haunting reminders of the massacre are the hope-filled faces of the young victims that stare out at every passerby.

Others even offer to send e-mail reminders of upcoming birthdays, anniversaries and holidays.

They have grown up surrounded by reminders of their terrible past.

Long bodies and short legs are reminders of their close relationship to weasels and polecats.

Here are fine reminders of the tenacity of the Baroque style.

The film evokes chilling reminders of the war.

Several vacant lots are reminders of the earthquake.

Lorna kept the photos as reminders of happier times.

  • reminders of




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