

词汇 remain of
释义 remain of
remain of发音




rain off───因下雨而取消,因雨中断


remain stoic───保持坚忍






Those that remain of him shall be buried in death: and his widows shall not weep.───他所遗留的人必死而埋葬,他的寡妇也不哀哭。

Churches and castles are almost all that remain of the original city.───教堂与古堡大概是古城遗留下来的惟一的东西.

These walls are all that remain of the ancient city.───这些墙是这座古城所残存下来的全部.

Her upper eyelids, forehead, lower lip and chin are all that remain of her original features.───她的上眼睑 、 前额 、 下唇和下颌仍然保留有她的原来特征,其余的就是新的了.

A few muddy puddles are all that remain of the water.───仅存的一点水里是混浊的泥浆.

What will remain of old city if the new road is built through the center?───如果穿越市中心修一条新公路,那么老城还剩下什么 呢 ?

Sadly, only ruins remain of this “high city” of temples.───可惜的是,这个由神殿组成的“高城”如今只剩下一片废墟。

A few muddy puddles are all that remain of the water.───只剩下几个泥泞的水坑了。

Churches and castles are almaximum all those remain of the original city.───教堂与古堡大概是原来的古城所遗留下来的唯一的物品.


What would remain of the little village if the war went on for another year?

By the year 2000, little will remain of the 1940s social legislation, assumed by Beveridge.

I still remain of the view that that would be undesirable.

Spinneys and woods are all that remain of once thick forest cover.

Traces still remain of the long-defunct Surrey Iron Railway.

Few remnants remain of the city's glorious past.

At Pipewell in Northamptonshire, earthworks remain of the pre-existing hamlet, mixed up with earthworks of the Cistercian abbey buildings.

The actuals remain of importance but in these kinds of organizations they take an equal place alongside the budget.

Although diminishing in number, prerogative powers clearly remain of great importance.

  • remaining time
  • remain in place
  • remainder estate
  • remain alive
  • remain with sb
  • remainder interest
  • remain of
  • remaining life
  • remain secret
  • remain in
  • remain standing




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