

词汇 release dates
释义 release dates
release dates发音



release date───发布日期;发行日期;出厂日期

release valves───泄气阀;放气阀

release details───发布详细信息

release agents───脱模剂;隔离剂

release copies───预发新闻稿;发行副本

released times───[电]释放时间

release agent───脱模剂;隔离剂

release time───[电]释放时间

release valve───泄气阀;放气阀


More news on this stunning new song including title, release dates and the details of the hits package coming soon!───更多关于这首极好的新歌,包括标题,发行日期还有精选集的新闻马上到来!

Information regarding stockists and release dates can be found at their official website.───关于批发商和发行日期的信息可以在他们的正式网站找到。

Project managers must do their work: coordinating others' work, and looking after schedules, project phases, and release dates.───项目管理者必须履行其职责:协调其它成员的工作以及负责进度、项目阶段和发布日期。

The bureau on Wednesday cited consistency in release dates as the reason for the move.───统计局周三说,在周六发布数据的理由之一是要让发布日期保持统一。

Despite the appearance, iRiver has not yet revealed pricing or release dates. Many though not all of its media players reach the US.───除了产品的外观外,艾利和暂未披露它的售价以及发布日期。艾利和的大部分(并非全部)媒体播放器产品会进入美国市场。

Find out when the latest gadgets are hitting the market. This calendar includes release dates, product info, and relevant links.───找出最新上市的那些小玩意,这个日历包括新产品的发布日期,产品信息及相关链接。


The problem of uniform parallel machine scheduling release dates was considered so as to minimize makespan.

As always, release dates are subject to change, often at the very last minute.

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  • release date
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  • released time




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