pass information───传递信息
traffic information───资料流量资讯
obtain information───获得信息;索取资料或合同
card information───卡片信息
false information───假情报;虚假信息
elastic deformation───[力]弹性形变
genetic information───[遗]遗传信息
insider information───内幕信息
medical information───[基医]医学信息;医学情报
The default help provides basic information.───默认的帮助只提供基本的信息。
Step 1 . Email us and tell us your basic information and telephone number.───首先,给我们发邮件,告诉我们你的基本情况和联系方式.
Both involve somewhat the same basic information.───两者都包含一些相同的基本信息。
Quote also attached Dandan their basic information such as height character, also with a beautiful photo.───帖中还附上了丹丹自己的身高性格等基本情况, 还附有一张靓丽的照片.
Cover the basic information of Chinese Chlor - alkali industry and the sectors related with chlor - alkali sector.───涵盖了整个 氯碱 行业以及和 氯碱 相关的行业内企业的基本信息.
Provides basic information on how to use the Locals, Autos, and Watch windows.───提供有关如何使用“局部变量” 、 “自动”和“监视”窗口的基本信息.
The following paragraphs give some basic information on pressing.───下面的内容是有关熨烫的基本常识.
Basic information about using macros to automate tasks in the editor.───关于在编辑器中使用巨集来自动化工作的基本资讯.
Outside the screen is 65536 colors, may demonstrate some basic information.───外屏则是65536色的, 可以显示一些基本信息.
Basic information: Name, code, location and administrative code, telephone number, registration code, industry code, etc.───企业基本情况: 企业名称 、 企业代码 、 企业所在地和行政区划码 、 电话号码 、 登记注册代码 、 行业代码等.
This web site provides basic information about the institute, including its departments, education, staff etc.───该网站提供该所的基本信息, 包括部门, 教育, 和教职员工等.
Write down basic information about yourself, and exchange it with your partner.───写下你自己的基本信息, 和你的搭档交换.
Why can't I save the company profile at the basic information function?───为什麽在填写完公司基本资料时,不能够储存?
The article discusses the basic information of the Daur Shamanism.───本文论述了达斡尔族萨满教的基本情况.
It allows you to see all your basic information on one page.───在一页纸上可以看到全部的基本信息.
Mainly includes basic information on students, student achievement, student course management.───主要包括对学生基本信息 、 学生成绩 、 学生选课的管理.
Readers basic information input, inquiries, modification, deletion.───读者基本信息输入 、 查询 、 修改 、 删除.
You need to store basic information identifying the user.───需要存储用来识别用户的基本信息。
But in some cases the necessary basic information is lacking; for example, the reproductive rate of some whales is unknown.
None the less a good deal of basic information can still be portrayed with the traditional concept of population density based on administrative units.
It includes basic information for the newcomer either as a solo performer or as a team flyer.
But many poor countries lack even basic information about existing education and health programmes.
It provided basic information on Soviet missile testing and, development.
A basic information system merely classifies and stores data.
The basic information they needed had been discovered more than two centuries before.
Basic information about syntactic structure can not be derived from experimentation in the absence of prior knowledge derived from observational methods.
However, what's desperately needed is basic information.
- basicity rules
- basic skills
- basic colors
- basicity scale
- basic power
- basic target
- basicity amine
- basic ideas
- basic training
- basic education
- basic liner
- basic law
- basicity chart
- basic ratemaking
- basicdesign system