razor wires───铁丝网;刀片刺网
razor burn───剃刀烧伤
razor edge───险境
razor blade───刮胡刀刀片;剃须刀片
razor burns───剃刀烧伤
razor edges───险境
earth wire───接地线;架空地线
for hire───供出租
Electrified razor wire, motion sensors , and lanes of minefields made an effective barrier.───带电的铁丝网, 移动感应器, 地雷带组成了有效的屏障.
Fox River Penitentiary is an old prison. Guard towers and forbidding razor wire line the perimeter.───FoxRiver监狱是一个老监狱, 哨塔和铁丝网遍布周围.
Yet as the razor wire suggests, the Third World lurks around many corners.───这些刀片刺网暗示着第三世界潜伏在各个角落.
In those first days, we didn't fortify the place; no razor wire or blast walls, no watchtowers or machine guns mounted on the roof.───在最初的几天,我们没有丝毫的防御设施:没有铁丝网,没有爆破墙,没有看守塔,屋顶也没有安机关枪。
A few days later, sensing the disruption they had caused, the Americans made an opening in the razor wire so pedestrians could walk through.───几天以后,美国人发现了路障带来的不便,于是在铁丝网中间开了一个口,以便行人通过。
the razor wire suggests, the Third World lurks around many corners.───这些刀片刺网暗示着第三世界潜伏在各个角落。
Fox River Penitentiary is an old prison. Guard towers and forbidding razor wire line the perimeter.
The wall is rimmed with razor wire; guards, dressed in camouflage, stand watch.
The high grey wall has a lip trimmed with razor wire.
They gazed into my torch beam like cons caught in razor wire.
The following day 20 protesters climbed back over the razor wire.
There were fences with spirals of razor wire on top.
The inmates are held in a compound encircled by razor wire.
They not only have to cut through razor wire to cross the Limpopo river, but face the threat of being swept away, encountering deadly crocodiles and being abused by predatory men.
The gear is protected by a cyclone fence topped with razor wire.
- razorbill press
- razor clam
- razor shell
- razorbill genus
- razorbill photo