

词汇 rat snake
释义 rat snake
rat snake发音

n.吃鼠的蛇; 鼠蛇; 锦蛇



rat snakes───食鼠蛇

wart snake───瘰鳞蛇

at stake───危如累卵;处于危险中;在紧要关头

coral snake───(美)珊瑚蛇

grass snake───青草蛇


wart snakes───瘰鳞蛇

water snake───[脊椎]水蛇

ring snake───游蛇


nonvenomous snakes, such as the black racer or the black rat snake of North America.───黑蛇一种黑色,多为无毒蛇类,如北美黑游蛇属黑蛇和食鼠黑蛇。

Days later, when an eight-inch snake crawled across her bed, she screamed. Finally, after stepping on a baby black rat snake, she moved.───几天后,一只八英寸长的大蛇钻进了她的被窝里,引得她尖叫不已,最后当她又踩到一直黑色小食鼠蛇,她是在受不了就搬了家。

small Indian mongoose, reaching no more than a foot or two inheight, was originally brought to Puerto Rico and the Hawaiian islandsto protect sugar cane fields from rat and snake damage.───小印度猫鼬不到一二英尺高,原先引入波多黎各和夏威夷群岛,是为了保护甘蔗田免受老鼠和蛇的伤害,结果,猫鼬没有起到控制物种拥挤的作用,其危害却迅速地远远超过预期的野生动物危害。

Used to own a pet rat snake. Therefore had no problem shooting the snake scene in Alexander (2004).───小时候拥有宠物蛇,所以在2004年拍摄亚历山大帝的中玩蛇的镜头时没有任何困难。

Any of various dark-colored, chiefly non venomous snakes, such as the black racer or the black rat snake of North America.───黑蛇一种黑色,多为无毒蛇类,如北美黑游蛇属黑蛇和食鼠黑蛇。

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