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national churches───民族教会

national codes───国家标准

national services───(英)兵役;国民服役

national church───民族教会

national code───国家编码(外贸术语)

personal choice───个人的选择

rational dresses───合理服饰




When it comes to making decisions in our lives, we think we're in control. We think we're making smart, rational choices.───当我们日常生活需要做决策时,我们自以为一切皆在掌控之中,我们以为我们正在聪明而理性的做出决策。

Moral virtue, then, is the state of character which leads to intelligent and rational choices in our pursuit of happiness.───那么,道德上的美德是一种品格状态,它使我们在追求幸福的过程中做出明智和理性的选择。

Public rational choices on formally auditor independence root in the native culture tradition and institutions.───审计独立性是社会公众的理性选择结果;

Unfortunately, welive in a world filled with irrationality and coercion, but that doesn't meanthat there aren't rational choices to be made.───不幸的是,我们生活在一个非理性和压迫性的世界上,不过这并不意味着就不能做出理性的选择。

For convenience' sake, economists have traditionally assumed that buyers make rational choices: I think, therefore I shop.───出于方便的原因,经济学家习惯上假设购买者做出合理的选择:我想买,所以我就买。

Theory of rational choices under interactions───是研究互动环境下的理性选择的理论

There Rational Choices in Modern Chinese Constitutional Road───论当代中国宪政道路上的三次理性选择

Rational Choices in the Course of Urbanizing Villages───我国乡村在城镇化浪潮中的理性抉择


Nor are subjective meanings or rational choices independent of public social rules for doing the right or rational thing.

Or, conversely, do alleged causes finally need to make sense in a system of rules and rational choices?

In fact, I argue that it is the sum of all these individual rational choices that led to a very suboptimal outcome.

Economics assumes that consumers are perfectly knowledgeable and make rational choices.

Meader found that by any standard, even if one disagrees with their decisions, voters exercised informed judgment and rational choices.

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