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词汇 rapidly growing
释义 rapidly growing
rapidly growing发音



rapidly changing───迅速变化的(changing是change的现在分词)

family grouping───家庭集团;家族集团

rapid growth───快速生长

rice growing───水稻种植

rapidly expanding───迅速扩张

family groupings───家庭分组

family viewing───家庭观赏


Shanghai has a rapidly growing but often unregulated modeling industry.───上海发展很快,但模特行业经常处于无序状态.

Young, rapidly growing leaves are most susceptible.───幼令迅速生长的叶子是最敏感的.

The rapidly growing field of environmental DNA sequencing, called metagenomics, now helps to overcome this problem.───目前,快速发展中的环境DNA测序学科(简称环境基因组学), 为这一难题的解决提供了帮助.

Dr.Lue is one of the pioneers of molecular animation, a rapidly growing field that seeks to bring the power of cinema to biology.───卢博士是分子动画的先驱者之一,这一快速发展的领域正试图让电影的魅力渗透到生物学之中。

The most menacing problem, Ethiopia's rapidly growing population, is almost never discussed.───但最具威胁性的是, 即埃塞俄比亚迅速膨胀的人口问题, 几乎从未涉及到.

Among them the period of economic recession in 2001 the most rapidly growing lottery revenue.───其中,2001年经济衰退期彩票收入增长最迅速.

SWEP is a rapidly growing international company in the transfer field.───舒瑞普公司是在热传热领域里快速发展的国际性公司.

Beijing wants a bigger share of votes at the IMF, to reflect its rapidly growing economy.───北京想要在IMF得到更大的投票份额, 以反映快速增长的中国经济.

Zhuhe Township is hundreds of miles - and seems hundreds of years - away from China's rapidly growing, ultramodern cities.───竹核乡离中国快速发展和超现代的城市有几百公里远―― ― 看起来似乎有成百上千年的距离.

The rapidly growing bilateral trade also witnesses this win - win situation of our bilateral relationship.───两国关系的共赢局面也从双边贸易的快速增长中得到了见证.

It is a benign rapidly growing hemorrhagic lesion of unknown origin.───回顾文献记载,大部份的鼻腔内小叶状毛细血管瘤病例年龄分布在成人,罕见于小孩子.

And the challenge of feeding such a rapidly growing population will be aggravated by climate change.───由于气候变化的影响,要养活如此迅速增长的人口,我们必将面临更加严峻的考验.

A rapidly growing market for a product or service characterized by media hype and aggressive solicitation.───经由媒体大力吹捧,或极力诱导,市场快速成长的某种产品或服务.

Hotel "Crescent" will be like a "gateway" to those guests who arrive in the country by sea and symbolize the rapidly growing economy of Azerbaijan.───新月”酒店将成为那些从海上抵达阿塞拜疆的客人的“门户”,象征着阿塞拜疆经济的快速增长。

With the rapidly growing economy, there were new employment opportunities, many of them in scientific fields.───迅速发展的经济, 产生了新的就业机会, 其中不少是科学部门的.

So pollution restrictions that reduce ozone levels, especially in the rapidly growing polluted cities of Asia, could both clear the air and slow warming.───因此,控制污染减少臭氧水平,尤其是在污染快速增长的亚洲城市,既能清洁空气又可以减缓气候变暖。

Application - level attacks are a rapidly growing threat to any e - business.───应用程序级攻击是一种正在迅速上升的对电子商务的威胁.

Science is a body of knowledge that is rapidly growing and always changing.───科学是迅速地增长和总改变知识的身体.


Internal auditing is rapidly growing in importance.

There is a rapidly growing number in Britain who regard dolphins in captivity as similar to humans in slavery.

It appears to be most damaging to rapidly growing organs in the body, Etzel said.

We also have extensive experience in the rapidly growing field of licensing.

Central laser printing is used on a rapidly growing scale.

But she is rapidly growing demoralised by her situation and is increasingly disinclined to do very much.

Management buyouts are a new and rapidly growing means of company takeover and new firm formation.

Camra is rapidly growing in size too.

That rapidly growing part of their business now accounts for about 25 percent of overall sales.

  • rapidly growing
  • rapidly cps
  • rapidly changing world
  • rapidly increasing




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