v.耗尽; 抛弃,放弃
rain out───v.因下雨取消(或延期)
rang out───宣布离去;鸣钟送别;下班
fan out───成扇形散开
pan out───成功;结果(是);证明
rap out───厉声说出;突然地说;嗒嗒地发出信号传达意思
run out───用完;耗尽;跑出;到期;伸向
crank out───制成;粗制滥造
drawn out───抽出,拉长
ran about───乱跑,到处跑
She ran out into the corridor.───她跑出来,冲进走廊。
The soldiers ran out of ammunition and had to withdraw.───士兵们用光了弹药,不得不撤退.
I ran out onto the landing.───我冲出去到了楼梯口。
I ran out onto the landing.───我跑出去上了楼梯平台。
They ran out of fuel.───他们的燃料用完了。
We eventually ran out of patience with his childish behaviour.───我们终于对他幼稚的行为忍无可忍.
The dog ran out into the garden and chased the birds away.───狗奔进了花园,赶跑了那群鸟.
He inverted the glass and the water ran out.───他将杯子倒转,水流了出来.
The dog ran out with its tail wagging madly.───狗跑了出来,疯狂地摆着尾巴.
The builders ran out of materials.───建筑商耗尽了材料。
We ran out of coal, and had to burn wood.───煤烧完了, 只好烧木头.
A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave.───一只老鼠从黑暗的洞口跑出.
He ran out of steam shortly before the end of the race.───快跑到终点时他累得筋疲力尽.
He ran out the door.───他跑出门去。
When the lease ran out the family moved to Campigny.───租约到期后,这家人搬到了坎皮格尼。
He made mouths at his mother and then ran out.───他冲他妈妈做完鬼脸之后就跑出去了.
The little girl slapped the toy down and ran out crying.───小女孩啪地一声把玩具扔下就哭着跑了出去.
The dog ran out with its tail wagging madly.
Robert ran out on his young wife.
She ran out into the corridor.
I think it ran out of paper.
He inverted the glass and the water ran out.
I ran out onto the landing.
Our food soon ran out.
He ran out the door.
They ran out of fuel.
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