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词汇 rain showers
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rain shower───阵雨

air showers───风淋室;空气射丛;[高能]空气簇射

air shower───风淋室;空气射丛;[高能]空气簇射

train spotters───列车观察员

April showers───四月雨

heavy showers───大阵雨;暴雨

air powers───空军力量;空军实力


cold night here, with intermittent rain showers and a blustery wind.───这里是寒冷的夜晚,阵雨不断,旋风席卷。

The result shows that the percentage of positive drops increased with drop size as well as the intensity of rain showers.───结果表明:带正电雨滴的百分比随雨滴的增大而增大,也随阵雨强度的增强而增加。

Since 2007, frequent acid rain showers caused by activity at the volcano killed or damaged much of the vegetation to the southwest of the summit, leaving the area brown and orange.───以来由于火山的活动,频繁降下的酸雨破坏了山顶西南部大片植被,并致其死亡,因此在照片上呈现棕色和橘色。

a bottle of water may be nothing, but for the desert road caravans, but like the rain showers.───一瓶水可能算不了什么,但对于沙漠中行进的驼队而言,却好比雨露甘霖。

I had to go through rain showers and take out two Vipers, jump down three steps, save Scarlett and run when there's tons of water around me.───我必须从大雨里跑过,干掉两个蛇兵,跳下三级台阶,救下红发女郎后再跑,同时我周围有几吨的水。

oon after their arrival , the volunteers were greeted by delightful rain showers from heaven.───人欣喜的是,同修抵达后不久,上天即降下甘霖。

rain showers, the president's speech was well received.───尽管曾因断断续续的阵雨中断,总统的演说仍然大受好评。

Now it seems even typical tropical rain showers could trigger an eruption.───目前看来,一场典型的热带暴雨都有可能诱发火山活动。

The flower of love needs big and small rain-showers to keep fresh.───爱之花需要雨露来保持新鲜。


They were married between rain showers at an outdoor ceremony at the farm near Hope, N.D., Saturday night.

VIS, temporarily reduce to 1 km in rain showers.

However, cloud conditions in Florida are expected to worsen after Friday, with low clouds and rain showers likely.

It's a cold night here, with intermittent rain showers and a blustery wind.

  • rain dancers
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  • rain swing
  • rain cats
  • rainfall in fresno ca
  • rain showers
  • rained heavily
  • rainfall prediction map
  • rainbow bird
  • rain off
  • rain heart
  • rain all day
  • raining cats and dogs
  • rain bow
  • rainy moment
  • rainy dumpling
  • rainfall sounds
  • rain cloud
  • rainbow bridge
  • rain heavily




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