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词汇 question mark
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question marks───问题类,[语][计]问号;问号业务

a question mark───问号

quotation mark───引号

question tag───n.疑问句尾;附加疑问句

question tags───反意疑问句


section mark───n.分节号

question masters───提问专家;问答竞赛节目的主持人(广播或电视)

question master───提问专家;问答竞赛节目的主持人(广播或电视)


Make sure you stop longer atstops. Also, read sentences ending in question mark "? "───因此,你要遵守规则,句号时停顿长些, 同时用不同的情绪读些带 “? ”

A each one question mark, each one interrogation.───一个个的问号, 一个个的质问.

A kiss can be a comma, a question mark or an exclamation point.───一个亲吻可以是逗号, 问号或感叹号.

Who invented the question mark?───谁发明了问号?

The query information returned includes the leading question mark.───返回的查询信息包括前导问号.

But it is almost lost almost . In football, almost is always a big question mark.───但是我们几乎已经失败了. 但是‘几乎’在足球世界里经常会是一个很大的问号.

How to be wealthy, healthy happy will always remain a question mark.───怎样才能富有, 健康和幸福将永远是个问号.

After closer examination, he put a question mark against the theory.───仔细审查后, 他对该理论提出了疑问.

still a big question mark hanging over his future with the team.───他在队中的前途还是个大问号。

There is a question mark over the future of geriatric care.───老年保健医学的前景还是一个问号。

There's now a huge question mark hanging over the success of the negotiations.───谈判能否成功目前还是一个大大的问号。

He put a question mark against Mike.───他对麦克表示怀疑.

A question mark appears beside the mouse pointer.───鼠标指针旁显示一个问号.

You're just a walking question mark this morning.───今天早晨你已经问了 我 一大串问题了. ”

Georgia's fate is still question mark.───格鲁吉亚的命运仍然前途未卜.

The effect has been to leave a question mark over the term future of monetary union.───其效果就是给货币联盟的长期未来打上了一个问号.

Question mark is the key to all sciences.───问号是开启任何一门科学的钥匙.

The weather forecast has put a question mark against the chances of doing any gliding tomorrow.───天气预报对明天是否能举行滑翔比赛表示怀疑.

is a question mark over the future of geriatric care.───老年保健医学的未来是一个问号。

A question mark hangs over many of their futures.───他们的不少期货都还是个问号。

She found the essay and put a question mark at the place.───她(在你放这篇短文的地方)找到了它并(在应该改进的地方)做了问号标记.

Put a question mark at the end of that sentence.───在那个句末划一个问号.

Two huge question mark, as the alarm sounded in the ears of Chinese soldiers.───两个巨大的问号, 像警钟在中国军人耳边敲响.

This is a tough big question mark!───这是个狠大的问号!

But there is a big question mark over the extent of his involvement in that decision.───但他在这一决策过程中的参与程度是个大问号.

Whether do we walk together or a question mark, the unknown?───我们能否走到一起还是一个问号, 未知数?

In earlier examples, we've used the plus sign and the question mark.───在较早的例子, 我们使用了加号和问号.

A sea cucumber, startled by the Alvin, forms a question mark as it hurries away.───一条海参被“阿尔文号”吓了一跳,在慌忙逃跑时卷曲成一个“问号”.

The weather forecast has put a question mark against the chance of doing any gliding tomorrow.───天气预报对明天是否能举行滑翔表示怀疑.

  • questions to ask interviewer
  • question papers
  • questionable source
  • questionable questing
  • questioners gretchen rubin
  • questionable authority
  • questioned said
  • questionable comics
  • question mark
  • questionable sourcing




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