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词汇 quantum physics
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quantum optics───[光]量子光学

quantum mechanics───[量子]量子力学(解释次原子粒子运动和质量)

quantum theories───[量子]量子论

health physics───有害辐射防护学;保健物理学

quantum statistics───量子统计学

Culvers physics───卡尔弗斯物理学


atomic physics───n.[物]原子物理学



But the basic ideas behind relativity and quantum physics are, in fact, simple comprehensible by anyone.───但是事实上, 任何人都可以轻松地理解相对论和量子力学地基本思想.

But the basic ideas behind relativity and quantum physics are, in fact and comprehensible by anyone.───但是事实上,任何人都可以轻松地理解相对论和量子力学的基本思想.

Many real - world problems in quantum physics are too hard to solve with today's computers.───很多真实世界的量子物理学问题使用今天的计算机太难解答.

That's right. In fact, the introduction is called, "Quantum physics? You're soaking in it!"───是的。实际上,引言是这样写的,“量子物理在哪?你正沉浸于其中。”

All is energy as quantum physics revealed.───所有的能量就像物理学上的份额所透露.

The course introduces applied quantum physics and emphasizes an experimental basis for quantum mechanics.───此课程介绍应用量子物理,强调量子力学的实验基础.

Steinhardt's scenario makes use of string theory another attempt to reconcile General Relativity with quantum physics.───斯顿哈德的假设引用了弦理论,这种理论也试图在相对论和量子物理学之间找到折衷点.

Well, bye ~, and come back for quantum physics, wormhole and locks.───好了, 再见~请回访,看量子物理, 虫洞与锁.

So a new science is needed in the same way that we new quantum physics.───因此,正如必须要创造新的量子物理(学)一样,我们也需要一种新的科学.

The details of quantum physics make my brain hurt.───错综复杂的量子物理学使我头疼.

Is it that natural forces, universal energy, quantum physics or prayers play a role ? No !───是自然力量 、 宇宙能量 、 超自然的指引或是祈祷在发挥作用 吗?

In fact, the introduction is called, "Quantum physics?"───实际上,引言是这样写的,“量子物理在哪?”

Einstein awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in quantum physics.───爱因斯坦因在量子物理学方面的成就而被授予诺贝尔奖.

But quantum physics has shattered some of our cornerstone beliefs.───但是,量子理论已经打碎了我们信仰的基石.

But according to recent developments in quantum physics, they may still be alive and well somewhere.───不过根据量子物理学的最近研究, 他们也许还在某处活得好好的.

Julie: So do you regret studying quantum physics?───茱莉: 那你后悔修量子物理这堂课 吗 ?

a sense, it was the same old quantum physics.───某种意义上说,这同样是以往的量子物理学。

ZYTO develops cutting edge technology that uses principles from Information Theory and Quantum Physics.───ZYTO开发的尖端技术是遵循信息理论和量子物理的原则.

  • quantum mechanic
  • quantum computer
  • quantum leap




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