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词汇 put into practice
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out of practice───久不练习,荒疏

business practice───[贸易]商业惯例;商务实践

in practice───在实践中;实际上,事实上

pattern practice───模式练习

private practice───私人开业

to practice───实践;练习;实习

distributed practice───分布练习

restrictive practice───n.(工业制造厂家间的)限制竞争协议

bayonet practice───拼刺


After put into practice, this line has met requirement of design precision and mass production.───经几年的批量生产来看, 该自动线设计达到了所要求的加工精度,满足了批量生产的要求.

The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people put into practice the things they learn.───成功者与失败者的区别在于成功者能够学以致用。

Strategies for transferring newly acquired skills back to the workplace are put into practice.───如何将新获得的技能转化到工作场所的策略将会付诸实践.

The proposal was put into practice by common consent.───这项建议无异议地得到实施.

The new play schedule will be put into practice from July 8 th.───新的比赛日程表将从七月八日开始.

The ideal design would never be put into practice.───脱离实际的设计永远不会付诸实施.

The test station has been appraised and checked, and has been put into practice.───本试验台已通过鉴定和验收, 并已投入实际运行中.

But that's hard advice to put into practice sometimes.───可是有时候这是个难以付诸实施的建议。

It tends to be very difficult to actually put into practice.───可实际上是很难付诸实施.

The industry of real estate has developed quickly since the reform andpolicy was put into practice.───摘要改革开放以来,我国房地产业获得了飞速发展.

The Environmental Accounting Information Disclosure among Environmental Accounting theory is put into practice earliest.───环境会计信息披露是环境会计理论中最早投入实践当中的.

The instrument must be warmed up before it is put into practice.───使用之前仪器必须升温.

An important aspect of initiative that any employee can put into practice is making suggestions.───任何雇员将进取精神付诸具体行动的一个重要方面便是提出建议.

It remains to be seen whether or not this idea can be put into practice.───这一想法能否付诸实践还有待于观察。

It's easy to talk , but difficult to put into practice.───说起来轻巧, 做起来难.

Maglev train has been put into practice successfully which act as a new ground transIt'system.───磁浮列车作为一种新型交通工具,已经在实践中得到了应用.

His proposition is good in theory but cannot be put into practice.───他的建议在理论上可以,但不能付诸实现.

We weren't allowed to put into practice in our daily lives the teachings we received.───我们不能够将所受的教义在日常生活中付诸实践。

For instance, state capitalism , as stipulated, is to be put into practice gradually.───比如国家资本主义, 是讲逐步实行.

The regulations have been put into practice on a trial basis.───这些规定已开始试行.

In 1912, China founded the republic government and the thought of republicanism was put into practice.───辛亥革命爆发后, 中国建立起共和政体的国家,共和主义的思想得到初步的实践.

Will this plan be put into practice?───这个计划会实施 吗 ?

Today, outsourcing being attached more attention and put into practice widely.───当前业务外包战略逐渐受到人们的重视并被广泛运用于实践.

This experiment has been put into practice and good results have been achieved.───文中的实验已经应用于教学实践,取得了良好的实验教学效果.

A theory, however good it is, is of no significance without being put into practice.───一个理论无论多好, 不实行也是毫无意义的.

Meditate so that you can then realize or put into practice what has been meditated upon.───冥想,所以你就能够去认识和付诸实践那些你冥想所获得的.

Since the scheme has been put into practice, the deposition in main canal is decreased obviously.───该方案实施后, 骨干渠道减淤效果明显,取得了成功的经验.

difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people put into practice the things they learn.───成功者和失败者之间的区别是成功者将他们所学的东西付诸于实践。

Automobile side impact protection regulation being constituted and will be put into practice soon.───汽车侧面碰撞法规正在积极的制定中,即将出台.

At last, the methods mentioned are put into practice.───最后, 结合实际,将本论文中提出的以上方法进行了实证研究.

This project can be put into practice when the leaders make their decision.───这项计划还要等到领导裁酌之后才可实施.


It remains to be seen whether or not this idea can be put into practice.

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  • put the tap
  • put it best
  • put up signs
  • put on
  • put on too much weight
  • put you on
  • put a cast
  • put them
  • put on shoes
  • putrefactive anaerobes
  • put about
  • put round
  • put put
  • putty download
  • put our fire
  • put faith in
  • put two
  • put at
  • put on a car




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