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词汇 push against
释义 push against
push against发音


(使)推,顶[按]…; 轧; 挤


as against───与…相对照;比…

turn against───反对;背叛;(使)变成和…敌对

up against───面临

count against───vt.不利于

guard against───防止;提防

turns against───反对;背叛;(使)变成和…敌对

go against───不利于;违反;反对


Pacific push against Darwin Island, where white sale ma and black triggerfish feed beneath breaking waves.───太平洋汹涌的浪涛撞击达尔文岛所产生的碎波区域正是白色鳊鱼以及黑色鳞鲀觅食的场所.

When you walk, you push against the floor.───走路时,我们在对地面施以推力的同时。

The process occurs as myosin proteins attached to organelles push against microfilaments arrayed throughout the cell.───这个过程是由于依附在细胞器上的肌球蛋白反推排列在细胞周围的微丝形成的.

Why do you push against me?───你为什么推我?

growing number of people want to push against AIPAC.───反对AIPAC的人日益增多。

He removed the shelter once the root system began to push against it.───当根系开始生长,他会把遮蔽物移走.

Push against bed with the hand that is on bed surface.───放于床面的手用力按在床上.

OK. Let me check your muscle power. Lift your feet and push against me.───好. 让我检查你的肌力. 举起你的脚然后向我这边推.

In this arrangement, the cam lobes push against round metal cylinders called cam follower.───在这种布置中, 凸轮凸角推动凸轮挺杆.

Lemon cuts off one small piece accommodatingto to push against a little lemon juice goes.───柠檬切下一小块,够挤一点柠檬汁的就行.

I push against the wall with a certain force.───我推这堵墙施加一个力。

Don't push against the fence.───别推篱笆.

This means that on exhaust stroke, the engine has to push against a higher back - pressure.───这就使引擎在排气冲程时, 会遇到很高的负压(排气不畅).

The spring push against the cover.───弹簧反推离合器盖.

Half asleep, he felt the horse's nose push against his face.───睡意朦胧中, 他觉得马的鼻子挨在他的脸上推动.

Don't push against me!───别推我!


Peso bears could therefore push against the exchange rate only by liquidating their long positions.

My knees, drawn up and tense, push against my forehead.

Don't push against the fence.

Push against temptation and you will get muscle in your character.

Remember that the principle of rocket propulsion simply requires high-speed molecules to push against the rocket.

A repulsorlift is a type of antigravity engine that allows vehicles and vessels to push against gravity fields, providing flight.

You begin to push against the lid.

Pacific push against Darwin Island, where white sale ma and black triggerfish feed beneath breaking waves.

Don't push against me!

  • push off
  • pushed into
  • push push
  • push on of
  • push me
  • push you off
  • push in line
  • pushing hands
  • push me so hard
  • pushing on steadily
  • push way
  • pushes hard
  • push against
  • push money
  • push pin
  • push for
  • push dual
  • pushed toward
  • push herself
  • push to
  • pushed aside




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