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词汇 pulmonary hypertension
释义 pulmonary hypertension
pulmonary hypertension发音



pulmonary arteries───n.[解剖]肺动脉

pulmonary function───肺功能;肺机能

postural hypotension───姿势性低血压;体位性低血压

pulmonary artery───n.[解剖]肺动脉

pulmonary tuberculosis───[内科]肺结核

pulmonary vein───肺静脉

pulmonary veins───肺静脉

white-coat hypertension───白大衣性高血压



Conclusion: Right ventricular shunt can ameliorate the function of the right heart and alleviate pulmonary hypertension.───结论: 采用右心转流可改善右心功能,克服肺动脉高压危象.

The indirect signs on MSCTA were: pulmonary hypertension sign, lung - marking sparse, lesion of pulmonary infarction, pleural effusions.───间接征象: 肺动脉高压, 局限性肺纹理稀疏, 肺梗死, 胸腔积液.

Treating pulmonary hypertension involves treating the heart or lung disease, medicines, oxygen and sometimes lung transplantation.───肺动脉高压的治疗涉及治疗心脏或肺疾病 、 服药 、 吸氧,有时需肺移植.

Perspective: The following are 10 points to remember about the expert consensus document on pulmonary hypertension.───观点: 以下10点有关肺动脉高压的专家共识文件需牢记.

If many pulmonary arteries are involved by this process, pulmonary hypertension could result.───如果此过程累及许多肺动脉,就可能导致肺动脉高压。

Objective : To investigate the relationship between ADM and pulmonary hypertension.───目的: 探讨肾上腺髓质素(ADM)与肺动脉高压的关系.

The key features of HAPE are exaggerated pulmonary hypertension and arterial hypoxemia high altitude.───高原肺水肿的主要症状是严重的肺动脉高压和重度的动脉低氧血症.

The most common cause of right ventricular failure and pulmonary hypertension is left ventricular failure.───右心室衰竭和肺动脉高压最常见的原因是左心室衰竭.

Seen with pulmonary hypertension are small peripheral pulmonary arteries are thickened.───图示肺动脉高压见明显增厚的肺外周小动脉.

Objective : To explore the influence on Xiefeidingchuan Injection on Pulmonary Hypertension induced by monocrotaline Sprague - Dawley rats.───目的探讨泻肺定喘注射液对野百合碱诱发大鼠肺动脉高压的影响.

Objective To study the indication and effectiveness of NO inhalation in acute all types of pulmonary hypertension.───目的探讨吸入一氧化氮(NO)治疗不同类型的肺动脉高压的适应证及疗效。

Objective To probe the effect of Xieting mixture ( XTM ) on pulmonary hypertension ( PH ) induced by monocrotaline ( MCT ).───目的探讨薤葶合剂对野百合碱 ( MCT ) 诱导的肺动脉高压大鼠模型肺动脉高压的影响.

Objective To study left lung inverse circulation ( LLIC ) reversing pulmonary hypertension ( PH ) in canines.───目的探讨左肺反向循环 ( LLIC )逆转肺动脉高压的机制.

This method has cured fatal pulmonary hypertension in animals and is entering human trials.───这种做法已在动物身上治愈了致命的肺动脉高血压症,人体临床试验正展开中.

Objective : To introduce inhaled iloprost for the treatment of primary pulmonary hypertension.───目的: 介绍治疗原发性肺动脉高压的吸入性伊洛前列素.

This response results in pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular hypertrophy, a lethal disease.───这些反应导致了肺动脉高压并右心室肥厚-一种致命性疾病.

However, in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension rats, 5 - HT - induced vasoconstriction is mediated by both the 5 - HT1Band 5 - HT2A receptor.───但是,慢性低氧肺动脉高压大鼠5 - HT诱导的血管收缩反应是通过5 - HT _ (2 A)和5 - HT _ (1 B)受体介导的。


The basic pathological alteration of pulmonary hypertension involves three dependent elements:pulmonary vasoconstriction, pulmonary vascular remodeling and pulmonary microvascular thrombogenesis.

Pulmonary hypertension(PHT)was induced in rats by a single subcutaneous injection of monocrotaline (MCT).

Seen with pulmonary hypertension are small peripheral pulmonary arteries are thickened.

Hemodynamic changes in 90 patients with pulmonary hypertension secondary to chronic cor pulmo-nale were reported.

Background— Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is characterized by intraluminal thrombus organization and fibrous obliteration of pulmonary arteries.

This response results in pulmonary hypertension with right ventricular hypertrophy, a lethal disease.

P2 may be augmented in pulmonary hypertension and diminished in pulmonic stenosis.

Pulmonary hypertension was diagnosed and the patient referred for consideration of a lung transplant.

Primary pulmonary hypertension is extremely rare, afflicting about 1, 500 people in the United States.

  • pulmonary edema
  • pulmonary valve
  • pulmonary hypertension




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