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词汇 friendly
释义 friendlyUK:*/ˈfrɛndli/US:/ˈfrɛndli/ ,(frend′lē)UK-RP:UK-Yorkshire:Irish:Scottish:US Southern:Jamaican: 主要翻译 friendly adj (warm, sympathetic)友好的;亲切的;互助的He's such a friendly person. Everyone likes him.他是非常友善,每个人都喜欢他。 friendly to [sb] adj + prep (warm, kind)对…友好;对…和善She was friendly to the new girl, who appreciated her kindness.她对新来的女孩很友好,女孩儿也很感激她的善意。 friendly with [sb] adj + prep (on close terms)和…关系亲近Are you friendly with your next-door neighbours?你和隔壁邻居的关系亲近么? friendly adj (on good terms)像朋友一样的;亲密的Although I hardly know her, we are friendly.尽管我几乎不了解她,但是我们却如朋友一样。 friendly, -friendly adj often as suffix (easy to use)好用的,易用的This video game isn't very adult friendly; my son can play it but I don't understand how it works!这个电子游戏成年人玩起来不太容易;我儿子会玩,我却搞不懂该怎么玩! 其他翻译 friendly adj (coming from one's own army)友军的A soldier died from friendly fire after some other soldiers mistook him for the enemy.一名士兵死在友军炮火下,因为其他士兵把他误当成了敌军。 friendly adv US (in a friendly manner)友善地;温和地He acted friendly with her, even though he hated her.尽管恨她,他还是假装对她很友善。 friendly n UK (sports: non-tournament game)友谊赛The two national teams will play a friendly next Saturday.下星期六这两个国家队会打一场友谊赛。 复合形式: child-friendly, child friendly adj (accommodating children's needs)方便儿童使用的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the noun.Some companies have become child friendly, offering on-site daycare facilities.The menu looks good, but is it a child-friendly restaurant? eco-friendly adj (environmentally safe)环境友好的Eco-friendly cleaning products do not contain harsh chemicals. environmentally friendly, environmentally-friendly, environment-friendly adj (ecologically sound)环保的备注: A hyphen is used when the adjective precedes the nounUsing disposable bottles is not environmentally friendly. friendly chat n (informal conversation)友好的闲谈;显露Her boss asked her into his office for "a friendly chat", but she knew she was in trouble! friendly fire n (fire deliberately started)友方伤害 friendly fire n (military)友军伤害 friendly relations npl (good terms, amicable relationship)友好的关系Patrick had always tried to maintain friendly relations with his neighbours. friendly reminder n (gentle prompt)友情提示Just a friendly reminder, tomorrow is my birthday. friendly with adj (on good or intimate terms with)与…友好(要好)的I'm friendly with people at work; we get along fine. get friendly (with [sb]) vi + adj informal (make friends)与某人成为朋友 get friendly (with [sb]) vi + adj informal (behave in overfamiliar way)与某人过于亲热 get friendly (with [sb]) vi + adj informal, figurative (make sexual advances)追求某人;向某人求爱;撩拨某人 in a friendly way adv (cordially, warmly)诚挚地;亲切地;友好地I greeted him in a friendly way. on friendly terms adv (amicably)友善地;友好地;友好地I argued with my cousin but now we're back on friendly terms. on friendly terms adj (amicable)友善的;友好的;友好的 ozone-friendly adj (product, chemical)不破坏臭氧层的 pet friendly, pet-friendly adj (that welcomes domestic animals)可带宠物的备注: A hyphen is used when adj comes before the noun it modifiesThe motel was pet friendly so my brother could bring his two best friends, his dogs. user-friendly adj (easy to use)用户友好型的I've never seen a computer that was more user-friendly.




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