palled up───结成友好
pulled out───退出;拉出
balled up───搞成一团糟;使混乱
bulked up───胀大;形成大数目
called up───打电话给;召集;使想起;提出
curled up───蜷缩;卷着的
dolled up───把…打扮的漂漂亮亮的;打扮得花枝招展
filled up───填补;装满;堵塞
piled up───堆积
I stepped outside and pulled up my collar against the cold mist.───我走到外面,拉起衣领以抵御寒雾。
He pulled up at the traffic lights.───他在红绿灯处停了车。
A police car pulled up alongside us.───一辆警车在我们旁边停了下来。
Just before I reached them, a truck pulled up along-side of them and asked how much the man wanted for the older dog.───我还没到它们跟前,一辆卡车就停在它们旁边,有人问那大点儿的狗卖多少钱。
The little prince also pulled up, with a certain sense of dejection, the last little shoots of the baobabs.───小王子还把剩下的最后几颗猴面包树苗全拔了。他有点忧伤。
Before I knew it the bus had pulled up to the hotel and I bolted out the doors.───之前我就知道它的车又停在酒店,我狂奔了大门。
Either, man cannot be off the ground with his hair pulled up by his own hand.───人也是不能揪着自己的头发离开地面的。
"Deal me a hand, " he said at the beginning of a new shuffle. He pulled up a chair and studied his cards.───“给我发一副牌,”在新的一局开始时,他说,他拉过来一把椅子,研究着手上的牌。
As luck would have it, the first piece of steel pulled up from the bottom seemed to put an end to the mystery.───不巧的是,从海底打捞上来的第一块钢板似乎结束了沉船之谜。
The car pulled up outside the inn.
He pulled up under some trees and cut the engine.
The tornado pulled up the old tree by its roots.
He pulled up a chair.
A car pulled up alongside .
The car pulled up with a screech of brakes and a grinding of gears.
She bent and pulled up a double handful of weeds.
The cab pulled up and the driver jumped out.
A car pulled up at the dock.
- pulled in
- pulled off
- pulled noodle
- pulled away
- pulled out of the hat
- pulled out of