private view───非公开展览;(展览在公开展出前的招待性的)预展
profile drag───轮廓曳力;[流][航]型阻;形状阻力
profile plan───剖面图
positive view───正面观点
private views───非公开展览;(展览在公开展出前的招待性的)预展
profile drags───轮廓曳力;[流][航]型阻;形状阻力
We started making the head, using the frontal image and a simple profile view for reference.───我们开始做头部的时候, 在前视图加上简单的轮廓图片做参考.
profile view of face and some hair-like curves consist the CMA-L'OREAL China Hair Grant symbol.───中华医学会-欧莱雅中国人健康毛发研究项目的标志由人脸部的侧面像及概念化的毛发线条组成。
Both in front and profile view, the head bears a general resemblance to a well-blunted wedge, being smooth and clean in outline and nicely balanced in proportion.───不论从前面还是从侧面观察头部,共同之处在于都可以明显地观察到倾斜的楔形。轮廓清晰、平顺,精致且比例协调。
Abnormalities seen on a facial profile view may assist in the accurate diagnosis of one of the multiple malformation syndromes, even in the absence of genetic or teratogen risk.
- profile view
- profile maker
- profile bmx
- profile name