pressure groups───压力团体;施压小组;施压集团
pressure drop───压力下降,压强下降
pressure cone───压力锥
pressure drag───[流]压差阻力;压力阻力
pressure drags───[流]压差阻力;压力阻力
pressure gauge───压力计,测压表
pressure sore───褥疮
pressure cooker───n.高压锅;加压蒸汽速煮器
pressure gauges───压力表;压力计
pressure group is pushing for a ban on GM foods.───压力集团正强烈要求取缔转基因食品。
Bribery has begun to dwindle since the OECD convention, says Transparency International, a pressure group.───压力团体“透明国际(TransparencyInternational)”表示,自从缔结“经合组织合约”之后, 贿赂已经开始减少.
Most scientists who can present evidence of an environmental threat can reasonably assume that a pressure group will take up the issue.───能够提供环境威胁证据的大多数科学家都有理由认为,环保团体不会放过这个问题。
response to anti-fracking protests, France has slapped a moratorium on the practice; in Britain, activists for Frack Off, a pressure group, have shut down drill sites.───压裂抗议活动的回应,法国直接禁止页岩气开采;在英国,反压裂激进人士——一压力集团,已经关闭了钻井点。
It will remain as a pressure group, but no longer has any pretension to be a political party.───它仍然是一个压力集团,但不再自称是一个政党。
The Electoral Reform Society, a pressure group, points out that AV can produce results as perverse as first-past-the-post.───选举革新会,作为一个压力集团,指出选择投票制会产生和“得票多者当选”同样不利的结果。
Activists at WWF, another pressure group, say a much tougher regime is needed.───另一方面也有来自世界野生动物基金的压力, 该组织的积极分子认为应当采取更加严厉的(保)策.
The pressure group has won a number of concessions on environmental policy.
- pressure adj
- pressurehead tour
- pressure sores
- pressure drop
- pressured strokes