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词汇 power broker
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power brokers───政治掮客(power;oker的复数)


power brake───n.机动煞车

power brakes───n.机动煞车

power mower───动力割草机

power shower───电泵淋浴器;强力淋浴器

honest broker───调解人;调停人


A power broker who does you a favor will expect you to return it.───经纪人为你服务,你必须付报酬.

Educated in the United States, the son of a CCM power broker, he recently quit his job as a speechwriter for Tanzania's President, Jakaya Kikwete, to run in Bumbuli.───作为党派政权经纪人的儿子,他受的是美国教育,近来放弃坦桑尼亚总统贾卡亚。基奎特位参加本利部的竞选。

He is a power broker in a universe of infinite possibilities.───他就是无尽宇宙中的权利追逐者.

Coblentz, Californian power broker, died on September 13th, aged 88.───科布伦茨,加州的权利经纪人,逝于9月13日,享年88岁。

Jackson had been a major power broker in the presidential elections.───杰克逊曾是总统竞选中一名主要的权力经纪人。


Hence, head office attracts the power brokers skilled in the politics of resource allocation.

Karajan was comfortable with his stature as a power broker and not at all shy about wielding his influence.

Mr. Amorim has become an unlikely power broker in the bid to wrap up the negotiations, which began in 2001.

a power broker who does you a favor will expect you to return it.

Gary Condit, will emerge as major power brokers between conservatives and liberals.

The leading candidate is Hiromu Nonaka, an elderly power broker feared for his political cunning but with little public appeal.

During the war Wallas became a power broker in governmental circles.

Brown-nosing the power brokers won't save you.

The new power brokers on the political scene have not fared better either.

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  • power broker
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  • power exo
  • power school
  • powerless high
  • power plant
  • power steering
  • power beep
  • power return
  • power sw
  • powered by motorsport
  • power lines
  • power amplifier




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