Full of sincerity
满满的───Full of;真心───sincerely
Life is full of coincidences.───生活中巧合很多。
The patient must re-enter a world full of problems and stresses.───患者必须再次进入充满问题和压力的世界。
Within minutes the hall was full of choking smoke.───几分钟不到,大厅里就弥漫着呛人的烟雾了。
His work is full of profundities and asides concerning the human condition.───他的作品充满了有关人类境况的深邃见解和话外音。
Specialist subjects are full of pitfalls for the unwary.───专业学科充满陷阱,专套粗心大意的人。
The media is full of shock-horror headlines about under-age crime.───媒体上充斥着各种关于未成年人犯罪的骇人听闻的新闻标题。
Jem was full of beans after a long sleep.───杰姆好好睡了一觉之后又变得精力充沛了。
The town itself was full of life and character.───这个城市本身充满活力,个性十足。
The garage has got full of junk again.
Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusions.
He took a case full of files with him.
- 今天是元气满满的一天用英语怎么说
- 满满的真心用英语怎么说
- 安排满满的用英语怎么说
- full text links
- beautifully broken spirit
- truthfully in textspeak
- disgracefully def
- awfully hard towers
- bountifully pronunciation
- powerfully built
- wonderfully made song
- balefully in a sentence
- Mr fuller