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词汇 potential energy
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potential energies───[物]势能

potential benefit───潜在的好处;潜在的利益;潜在效益

mental energy───心理能量;心智能量

domestic energy───国内能源

internal energy───[物]内能

pent-up energy───压抑的能量

potential buyer───准买家;有意的买家;潜在购买者

potential danger───潜在危险;潜在威胁;事故隐患

potential effect───潜在影响


Potential energy that is not so obvious as energy exists in many things.───虽然势能不象动能那样明显,但它存在于许多动物之中.

Potential energy is convertible to kinetic energy.───势能可转化为动能.

The energy possessed by an object owing to its position is called its potential energy.───一个物体由于它的位置所具有的能量称为位能.

The earth can be thought a series of layers of equal potential energy within earth field.───地球可以被认为由一系列在重力场中有等势能量的地层组成.

The zero of potential energy is arbitrary.───零势能的定义是任意的.

On the ground state potential energy surface , a conical intersection produces the geometric phase effect.───锥形交叉可以通过几何相效应影响核动力学.

We seem to be considering chemical bonding solely in terms of potential energy.───我们似乎只用势能来考虑化学成键.

The two major forms of energy are generally classified as potential energy or kinetic energy.───能的两种主要形式通常可分类为势能或动能.

In this paper, the interactional potential energy of graviton is simply discussed in tree level approximation.───在本文中, 只简单的讨论了在树图近似下引力子的相互作用势能.

Energy, which is the ability to work, exists in two forms: potential energy and kinetic energy.───能量是做功的能力, 它存在两种形式: 势能和动能.

According to the principle of minimum potential energy, the generalstiffiness and load matrixes are set up.───总刚度矩阵和荷载列阵由势能驻值原理得到.

Impact of absorbing aerosol on precipitation: Dynamic aspects in association with convective available potential energy and convective.───吸收气溶胶对降水的影响: 与对流有效位能和对流有关的动力学.

Equation expresses the principle of minimum potential energy.───方程表示出最小势能原理.

How about potential energy?───那么势能呢?

Electric potential is the potential energy of electrons at a certain point.───电势表示的是电子在某点的势能.

The crustal deformation reveals that the seismogenic body has accumulated higher stain potential energy under compression.───地壳的形变和应变揭示出孕震体在挤压状态下积累了较高的应变势能.

Potential energy surface ( PES ) is a basis of molecular reactive dynamics.───势能 面是分子反应动力学的基础,研究势能面的意义非常深远.

This is the gravitational potential energy.───这是重力势能。

Now the potential energy.───现在是势能。

In the circumstance the potential energy turns to kinetic energy.───在这些情况下,位能变为动能.

The available potential energy has been computed by reference to a statically stable reference state.───可用势能是以“静力稳定”参考状态为基准计算的.

The posture of the situation contrast advantage of an area is situation potential energy.───一个地区的地理位置对比优势的态势为地理位置势能.

In fact , the eyes , gesticulation or appearance potential energy transmit more information than utterance.───你必须时时刻刻谨慎注重、观察你的对手,并不断地思考如何影响对方接受你的看法.

Electric potential can be thought of as potential energy per unit charge.───电势可比作每单位电荷的位能.

However, the potential energy savings are feasible do not match more ambitious policy targets.───然而, 可行的潜在能量节约比不上雄心勃勃的政策目标.

Analyses based on location potential energy prides a way to solve the problem.───通过对区位势能的研究,可以很好地量化分析新城区交通总体需求预测问题.

The potential energy is energy the system possesses by virtue of its configuration.───势能是体系由于它的相对位置而具有的能.

If only conservation forces act, the kinetic energy plus the potential energy remains constant.───如果只受保守力的作用, 则动能加势能是一个恒量.

What are the maximum potential energy and the total energy?───最大势能和总能量是 多少 ?

  • potential customer




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