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词汇 positive energy
释义 positive energy
positive energy发音



positive news───正面消息;正面新闻

explosive energy───爆炸能量;炸药爆炸功

positive message───正面消息

potential energy───[物]势能

conserve energy───节能

cost of energy───能源成本

fossil energy───化石能源

lattice energy───[物化]点阵能;[物化]晶格能

positive change───正向的改变


I did not, however, doubt the ability to focus positive energy.───然而, 我不怀疑能力集中在正面能量.

Turn nervousness into positive energy. Harness your nervous energy and transform it into vitality and enthusiasm.───把紧张转化为的动力. 要控制你的紧张情绪并把它变成活力和热情.

There's a positive energy and attitude in the gym," she said.───在健身房有积极的活力和态度。”她说道。

Leaders get into everyone's skin, exuding positive energy and optimism.───深入到员工们中间, 向他们传递积极的活力和乐观精神.

It is a stream of pure positive energy.───那就是“正向能量”的潮流.

She is like a bright ball of positive energy.───她就像一个充满能量的光球一样。

By the positive, energy stocks higher across the board yesterday, with 12 constituent stocks of energy.───受此利好, 能源股昨日全线走高, 其中12只能源成份股中.

Have them help you in the facilitation of focusing positive energy to the goal.───他们能帮你,使你把有效的精力放在目标上.

His father constantly nourished him with positive energy.───他爸爸不断用正面力量鼓励他.

There is such a positive energy in the song and lyric that I connect with completely.───这首歌里带著强烈正面的积极能量,歌词也跟我的理念不谋而合.

Work tips : Without some positive energy , Scorpio can go to extremes.───工作: 如果缺乏积极因素, 蝎子可能走向极端.

Out of the dark side comes positive energy , energy that can transform your life.───从暗面中可以产生出积极的能量, 改变生活.

They will just drain your positive energy.───他们的出现只会削减你积极地能量。

I have found positive energy can be extremely contagious, may it long continue to be so.───我已经认识到,正义的力量是确实可以“传染”的, 它将永不停歇.

Body of Light ( Su ) : A lumi's body is infused with a softly glowing positive energy.───明光之躯 ( 自然能力 ) 光民的身体充盈着正能量.


You have to generate the positive energy and just keep going.

Work tips : Without some positive energy , Scorpio can go to extremes.

Chi Kung is the martial art of developing positive energy through meditation and physical exertion.

The positive energy develops into fundamental particle, and the negative energy develops into negative energy field.

Accept what was and what is, and you'll have more positive energy to pursue what will be.

I think anger's a really positive energy if you use it in the right way.

The universe has an enormous debt of negative gravitational energy, which exactly balances the positive energy of the matter.

Some people emit negative fumes, while others vibrate positive energy. Stay close to the positive ones; otherwise you will be smoked to death. RVM 

In order to be successful on the field, everyone needs to generate positive energy and emotion.

  • positive impact
  • positive mood
  • positive things
  • positive feelings
  • positive thinking
  • positive signs
  • positive energy
  • positively 4th street
  • positive definiteness




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