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词汇 ponzi scheme
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Ponzi scheme───庞氏骗局(指骗人向虚设的企业投资,以后来投资者的钱作为快速盈利付给最初投资者以诱使更多人上当)

Ponzi schemes───庞氏骗局(Ponzischeme的复数)

bonus scheme───红利分成图

pension scheme───退休金计划

bonus schemes───红利分成图

color scheme───配色方案,色彩设计

new scheme───新方案

pension schemes───养老金计划

pilot scheme───小规模试验计划


The man behind a multibillion - dollar Ponzi scheme is in court today.───一名涉及几十亿美元商业诈骗案男子今日受审.

They're all related to that Ponzi scheme that cost thousands of investors billions of bucks.───这些罪名都和旁氏骗局有关,数千名投资者因此损失数十亿美元.

Sounds a bit like a Ponzi scheme, right?───这听起来有点像庞氏骗局,是不是这样呢?

He is expected to plead guilty to allegedly masterminding a 50 - billion - dollar Ponzi scheme.───他将期待为其操控 500亿 美元庞氏诈骗认罪.

There's the Ponzi scheme answer, of course.───当然还有庞氏骗局式的答案。

They found another sucker who didn't know it was a Ponzi scheme.───因为麦道夫仍然在吸收新钱,骗那些还不知道这是庞氏骗局的人入会.

He is accused of a Ponzi scheme.───他被指控犯有旁氏骗局最.

What will happen to Tang and all investors of alleged Ponzi scheme?───唐炜臻以及一起被指控卷入庞氏骗局中所有投资者的命运将会如何 呢 ?

But don't call it a Ponzi scheme.───但不要称此为庞氏骗局。

The financial collapse has exposed newsworthy frauds, like the colossal Ponzi scheme run by Bernard Madoff.───金融危机暴露出了具有有新闻价值的商业欺诈行为, 例如有BernardMadoff操纵的旁氏骗局.


The end result was a sort of Ponzi scheme of personal popularity that had its parallels in the markets.

In contrast to a Ponzi scheme, dependent upon an unsustainable progression, a common financial arrangement is the so-called "pay-as-you-go" system.

Rising government debt is a Ponzi scheme that requires an ever-growing population to assume the burden—unless some deus ex machina, such as a technological breakthrough, can boost growth.

For all its malevolence, the Soviet empire was like a Ponzi scheme, dependent on ever-increasing amounts of money.

In the world of finance, describing something a Ponzi scheme is a standard form of abuse.

Benskin was convicted of operating a Ponzi scheme.

Ed Lazar was involved in the bookkeeping end of an alphabet-soup Ponzi scheme that had possible mob connections.

He is accused of a Ponzi scheme. Brad Garrett, a former federal agent, explains how it works.

Contrary to the claims of Yglesias, Krugman, and the Social Security Administration, I don't think the "Ponzi scheme" charge is unfair in the slightest.





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