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词汇 pliny the younger
释义 pliny the younger
pliny the younger发音



plinth course───墙基层

plinth courses───墙基层

Rolf the Ganger───滚柱

dog in the manger───自己不能享用也不让他人享用的人

little finger───小指

spot the danger───发现危险

with young───(动物)怀胎

blame the messenger───怪信使

vulnerable youngster───脆弱的年轻人


recording the horror of the event, Pliny the Younger, a Roman author, left behind this record that still benefits historians and scientists today.───记录下这次事件恐怖面貌的罗马作家小普林尼,遗留给世人的这份纪录,至今仍嘉惠着历史学家和科学家。

the question does not arise, I prefer not to answer it. All the same, I should very much have liked to be Pliny the Younger.───这问题语意不明,我宁愿不回答它。但一如既往的,我非常希望成为小普里尼。

Pliny the Younger (Epistles 10. 96), writing to Emperor Trajan, says that the early Christians sang a hymn to Christ as God.───普林尼年轻(书信10.96),以书面形式向图拉真皇帝说,早期的基督徒演唱圣歌,以基督为神。

Daily words of inspiration from Pliny the Elder and Pliny the Younger .───从老普林尼到小普林尼,历代贤哲的名言集锦。

Letters of Pliny the Younger───小普林尼书信集


Most of what is known of the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius on August 24, 79 AD comes from the writings of Pliny the Younger.

A mixture of Socrates, Pericles, Mahomet, Pliny the Younger and Augustin Thierry.

Pliny the Younger (Epistles 10.96), writing to Emperor Trajan, says that the early Christians sang a hymn to Christ as God.

In recording the horror of the event, Pliny the Younger, a Roman author, left behind this record that still benefits historians and scientists today.

In these years, one of the military tribunes of the IIIth is Pliny the Younger.

Since the question does not arise, I prefer not to answer it. All the same, I should very much have liked to be Pliny the Younger.

A city of ancient Latium southeast of modern-day Rome, Italy. Pliny the Younger, Cicero, and the emperors Nero and Titus were among the prominent Romans who built villas here.

All the same , I should very much have liked to be Pliny the Younger.





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