

词汇 please see
释义 please see
please see发音



please God───但愿;如果上帝愿意



please oneself───感到满意

grease heel───马踵炎,蹄踵炎

phase speed───[物]相速(度)

pleasure steamer───快船


Please see [1] for more details.───更多信息,请参见[1]。

Please see the attached that we had arranged the hb/l telex release.───我们已安排货代提单电报放货,请看附件。

For details, please see the bearer.───详情请和来人面洽。

As the goods are Intended for a very Important purpose , please see that there be no defect , however slight , In the quality .───因这批货有重要用途,所以请贵方注意在质量上不得稍有缺陷。

And he said to him, "Go, please, see whether it be well with your brothers, and with the flocks and bring me word again. "───他父亲对他说:“去看看你哥哥们平安不平安,群羊平安不平安,就回来报信给我。”

For this reason a special too so I do not know if I should give you that the one-mail messages, please see cooler.───因为这个原因太特殊了所以我不知道我应该给你们的那一个邮箱发邮件,请你们见凉。

Please see how he overtook the adult and older kids in front of him step by step, and that was the second round!───请再看他怎样一步一步超越他前面的大人和大哥哥,那可是第二圈的时候!

The wind is blowing hard, please see that all the windows are fastened properly.───刮大风了,请务必把所有的窗户都关好。

please see the end of the front frame is smaller than the photo inserts. The gap is shown in white rectangle shape.───请留意前部框架的末端比插插入的照片小,缺口为白色矩形。


Please see who is at the door.

Please see separate section for full listings.

Please see that the lights are switched off before you leave.

Please see page 81 for details.

For local attractions please see the entry on Millers.

Please see the policy hereto appended.

Please see page 80 for details of car hire.

Please see figures 8 and 9.

Please see accompanying booklet for instructions.

  • please hurry
  • please select login method
  • please stop
  • please send
  • pleased as punch
  • please t
  • pleased at
  • please advise
  • pleased with
  • please not
  • please sir
  • please go
  • please see
  • please come then
  • please select boot device
  • please fly
  • please walt
  • please be
  • please come in
  • please don t cry
  • please be quiet




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