performance art───表演艺术
performance car───性能车
performance tests───操作测验;作业测验
performance arts───表演艺术
performance bond───[法]履约保证书
But saw you in 5 strong performances, I think that you was ungrateful to your friend of large and silent support.───但是看过你在5强的表现,我认为你辜负了广大默默支持你的朋友。
chapter 5, in the test-bed, the controlling performances were all qualified the requirements under the condition of lower the rate wind speed, above the rate wind speed, emergency stop.───第五章,在此试验台上进行了低于额定风速、高于额定风速、紧急停机等各项工况下进行试验,验证试验台设计的合理性。
operating principles and performances of the USG-5 Hydraulic Breaker are presented in the paper. Application of the breaker in Pingguo Bauxite Mine is described.───本文描述了U SG-5型液压碎石机工作原理及性能,介绍了其在平果铝土矿的生产应用情况。
Even pessimists say the economy should grow 4. 5 per cent next year in what would be one of the world's best performances.───甚至悲观主义者也表示,印度明年经济将增长4.5%,成为全球表现最好的国家之一。
In preparation for the London performances, Mr. Jackson had undergone an extensive, five-hour physical examination.───在为伦敦演唱会作准备期间,杰克逊进行了一次5个小时的全面体检。
Last season the Metropolitan Opera House in New York beamed six performances live to cinema audiences.───上个季度“纽约大都会歌剧院”(参5)的六场表演实况转播给了影院观众。
The paper presents the structure characteristics and performances of the accelerating tube for J-2. 5 MV electrostatic accelerator.───介绍了为2.5MV静电加速器研制的加速管的结构特点和性能测试结果。
But their respective performances have diverged this month with the S& P 500 index almost unchanged but gold up more than 5 per cent.───但本月两者的市场表现开始出现差异,标普500(S&;P500)指数几乎未动,而金价却上涨了逾5%。
- performances 5