perfect competitions───完全(自由)竞争
imperfect competition───[经]不完全竞争
imperfect competitions───[经]不完全竞争
perfect combination───完美结合
perfect companion───完美伴侣
perfect contrition───完全悔恨
restrict competition───限制竞争
face competition───面对竞争
fierce competition───激烈的竞争
Graddy discovered that even at Fulton, perfect competition was elusive.───格雷迪发现,即使在富尔顿鱼市, 完全竞争也难觅踪迹.
Let us examine the main assumptions of the theory of perfect competition.───让我们考查一下完全竞争理论的主流假设.
The price mechanism must be working to provide perfect competition.───价格机制必须起作用从而达到完全竞争状态.
In perfect competition, the market supply curve is determined by marginal cost.───在完全竞争市场, 市场供给曲线取决于边际成本.
What is more , perfect competition may be less desirable than other market structures such as monopoly.───从以上来看, 完全竞争市场是理想的市场结构类型.
The crowning achievement of the axiomatic approach is the theory of perfect competition.───公理化方法的最高成就就是完全竞争理论.
Perfect Competition and Monopoly emphasize the roles of average cost and marginal cost curves.───完善竞争和垄断,强调角色的平均成本和边际成本曲线.
Imperfect competition refers to those market structures that fall between perfect competition and pure monopoly.───不完全竞争指的是介于完全竞争和纯垄断之间的那些市场结构.
I have played a perfect competition, but we must achieve this point once more on Wednesday.───我踢了一场完美的比赛, 但我们必须在周三再次做到这一点.
Maximization in Perfect Competition - standard treatment.───在完全竞争市场下的最大利润。
Perfect Competition and Monopoly emphasize the roles of average cost and marginal cost curves.───完善竞争和垄断,强调角色的均匀本钱和边沿本钱曲线。
The most serious deviation from the perfect competition comes from monopoly elements.───最严重的对完全竞争的背离来源于垄断成份.
- perfect words
- perfect oil
- perfecting last foundation
- perfect symphony
- perfect sense
- perfect man
- perfection game
- perfectionist pro
- perfectly wrong
- perfect competition
- perfect nice
- perfect kiss
- perfect food
- perfect round
- perfect continuous
- perfect red
- perfect tenses
- perfect companion