

词汇 pay a big price
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carry a big stick───拿着一根大棒

at a price───以很高的代价;以较高的价格

at any price───无论如何;无论多少代价;不管价格的高低

bargain price───[物价]廉价

asking price───要价;索价

bargain prices───[物价]廉价

basmati rice───印度香米


Many people are approaching life from the flawed premise that if they work hard and struggle long and pay a big enough price, they will then be rewarded with financial well-being.───很多人都是以错误的前提来接近生活的,即:如果他们工作努力、长期奋斗和付出足够大的代价,然后他们就会得到财富奖励。

This is not a big price to pay for the benefits they get -- and that I get from receiving their work in a consistent format.───这对于他们所获得的收益来说不是很大的代价 —— 且我从收到一致格式的作业中得到好处。

Then the commander said, "I had to pay a big price for my citizenship."───于是指挥官说,”我必须为我的国籍一付大价钱。

if the designers of the city blind to this point, they will pay a big price which they can't afford.───那些城市的规划者们如果忽视这一点,将会付出他们无法承受的代价本

If Congressional Democrats don't take a tough line with the banks in the months ahead, they will pay a big price in November.───如果国会中的民主党人在接下来的几个月内未能对银行采取强硬立场,那么在今年11月份他们将付出巨大的代价。

Those who were cautious when they should have been bold will pay a big price.───本该大胆出手却谨小慎微的人将会付出沉重代价。

  • pay rises
  • payments login
  • payer tin
  • pay and return
  • payment slip
  • pay to
  • payment order
  • pay a big price
  • payment method
  • paying off
  • pay sb sth
  • pay out for
  • payable at
  • pay the piper
  • pay lip service to
  • payroll taxes
  • payer conjugations
  • pay in advance
  • pay mode
  • pay a fee
  • pay as you go




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