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词汇 outward appearance
释义 outward appearance
outward appearance发音


外观; 外面


youthful appearance───年轻的外表

court appearance───出庭

court appearances───出庭

guest appearance───客串

put in an appearance───露面;到场一会儿

external appearance───外观;外形

cameo appearance───友情客串(名演员饰演小角色)

debut appearance───首次亮相

make an appearance───出席;到达


Beauty is unimportant ; Beneath the outward appearance people are all much like.───猫在暗处都是灰色的;黑暗中难分丑妍;在外表的后面,人们都很相似.

Resembling a human being, especially in shape or outward appearance.───这几年,一些在外形上相似的边境牧羊犬被发展出来.

Quiet Shen of outward appearance is silent, do sth. up brown, careful, cautious but methodical.───外表安静沈默, 做事周到 、 细心 、 谨慎而有条理.

Continental industrial co ltd cop and imitated the outward appearance and trademark of our product.───大陆工业有限公司仿制了我方产品的外型及商标.

Of course, this is not universally true — but in general, people with autism are far less concerned with outward appearance than their typical peers.───当然,这不是普遍的——但总的来说,自闭症者远远比一般同龄人更少地关注外表。

Honored guest: paramount consideration is this vehicle's outward appearance impression.───嘉宾: 首先考虑的是这个车的外观印象.

Within a minute afterwards, he was, to all outward appearance, as unsubstantial as ever.───此后不到一分钟他的神色又跟过去完全一样满不在乎了.

Do ye look on things after the outward appearance?───你们看事情,只看表面.

The strange outward appearance of the house quite puts me off the house.───我不喜欢这所房子奇怪的外观.

EVA mousepad is delicate and fragile , outward appearance is delicate, economy is pragmatic.───EVA鼠标垫小巧玲珑, 外观秀气, 又经济实用.

Outward appearance and use: Colourless transparent liquid, solvents and organic synthesis intermediates.───外观及用途: 无色透明液体, 溶剂和有机合成中间体.

She not only owns beautiful outward appearance, also owns good virtue.───她不仅拥有美丽的外表, 更拥有良好的美德.

His outward appearance was calm but he was seething inside.───他外表很镇静,但他内心很激昂.

Modern tourism hotel buildings outward appearance and decoration are affected by many factors.───现代旅游饭店外部建筑的造型及装饰受诸多因素的影响,并应遵循一定的原则.

Durable, the outward appearance is exquisite.───经久耐用, 外观精美.

He had a physical strength that matched his outward appearance.───他的体力与他的外形相称。

Alexandra Foley, a 34-year-old mother of four who blogs at Modestly Yours, says: "Modesty is both your outward appearance and your interior disposition."───的亚历山大·弗雷(Alexandra Foley)已经是四个小孩的母亲,她在“淑女日志”的博客上说“端庄既是外表也是内在气质。”

The outward appearance index is remarkably higher than ordinary insulating glass units.───同时外观指标也明显高于普通中空玻璃生产线生产的产品.


His outward appearance was calm but he was seething inside.

To all outward appearance, he looked benign enough, with a mild, unsullied face, the perfect choirboy.

Again, although deceptively simple in outward appearance, this salad satisfied completely with its subtle flavorings.

The outward appearance of gloomy taciturnity was therefore taken for the whole man.

The outward appearance of the building has not changed at all in 200 years.

Their outward appearance gives no hint as to the wealth of amazing finds that have come from local beaches in the past.

The economy and outward appearance of the area have changed considerably.

She had an outward appearance of calm, but deep down she was really worried.

But to all outward appearance she was, let it be said, the slightest bit slatternly.

  • outwardly identical
  • outward bound
  • outwardly undaunted
  • outward office
  • outward appearance




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