突然冒出来; 莫名其妙的出现
out of order───发生故障;次序颠倒
middle of nowhere───无所适从;迷失方向;远离城镇的地方;与世隔绝的地方
from nowhere───不知从什么地方;不知从何处;茫然若失(唱片名,FromNowhere)
get nowhere───一事无成;无进展
out of context───断章取义;脱离上下文
out of court───不经法院;私了;被驳回
out of danger───脱离危险
out of doors───在户外;在露天
out of hours───在正常工作或学习等时间之外
The whole story of Rudolf appeared , out of nowhere, in 1939.───关于鲁道夫的故事在1939年传出, 并且很快就家喻户晓了.
A car appeared out of nowhere.───蓦然冒出一辆汽车.
Gatsby appeared to have sprung out of nowhere.───盖茨比仿佛是从无人知晓的地方钻出来的.
Our soldiers were out of nowhere and beat the enemy heavily.───我们的战士从天而降,给敌人以痛击.
The maid appeared out of nowhere to take our coats.───这个女扑总是在我们要脱去外套时,就出现在我面前.
A fishing boat came out of nowhere, dead ahead.───一艘渔船不知从什么地方冒了出来,就在正前方。
They were walking along the shore when a huge wave appeared out of nowhere, sweeping them out to sea.───他们正沿着海岸走着,突然冒出来一个大浪,把他们卷到了海里。
He came from out of nowhere into national fame.───他从默默无闻一下子变成举国成名.
He suddenly popped up out of nowhere.───他不知从哪里突然冒出来.
Houses had sprung up out of nowhere on the hills.───山丘上突然冒出一幢幢的房子。
Suddenly, out of nowhere, the new skyscraper dwarfs everything in sight.───突然不知从何方来的新摩天大楼使视线里的一切变得相形见拙.
The cat blew out of nowhere and ran across the yard.───这个兔子突然跑出来,穿过院子.
She rose to fame out of nowhere.───她莫名其妙地就出名了.
of nowhere, I felt Haiti calling to me.───不知怎么的,我就觉得海地在召唤我。
Now they're best friends? This girl appears out of nowhere.───他们现在是好友了 吗 ?我是说这女孩不知由哪冒出来的.
The harmful wind that appeared out of nowhere gave me a headache.───也不知道是从哪里刮来的贼风,吹得我头疼.
Seemingly out of nowhere, a lorry pulled up.───似乎一辆凭空出现的货车停下了。
Some of the great men came out of nowhere.───有些伟人来自不知名的小地方.
Out of nowhere, for the first time in his entire career, he was investigated.
From out of nowhere he asks me to marry him!
Out of nowhere came a gold incense cradle.
They rise up out of nowhere, coast along in the rearview mirror.
But every so often, something will erupt out of nowhere, break through our defences and turn the well-ordered furniture upside-down.
While Paul's dilemma came out of nowhere.
She said her attacker seemed to come out of nowhere.
She rose to fame out of nowhere.
Houses had sprung up out of nowhere on the hills.
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