组织心理学; 组织管理心理学
organizational psychologies───组织心理学
occupational psychology───[心理]职业心理学
constitutional psychology───体质心理学
educational psychology───教育心理学
transpersonal psychology───超个人心理学
analytical psychology───[心理]分析心理学
cognitive psychology───[心理]认知心理学
humanistic psychology───人本主义心理学;[心理]人本心理学
occupational psychologies───[心理]职业心理学
Psychologists will be in demand, but growth will be fastest in industrial and organizational psychology.───市场对心理学家也有需求, 但需求增长最快的职业将是工业心理学和组织心理学.
Examples of applied areas of psychology include forensic psychology, ergonomics and industrial-organizational psychology.───应用心理学领域的例子有:犯罪心理学、人类工程学和产业与组织心理学。
Job performance is an important content in the performance of industrial and organizational psychology research.───工作绩效是工业与组织心理学领域中研究的重要内容,是指员工的工作行为、表现及其结果。
Topics of instruction include organizational psychology, real estate, occupational health and safety, and more.───课程包括组织心理学,房地产,职业健康与安全等。
It's content involves developmental psychology, educational psychology , organizational psychology and so on.───课程内容主要涉及发展心理学、教育心理学和组织心理学等方面。
management and organizational behaviour draw on many theories in social and industrial - organizational psychology───管理及机构行为学涉及不少社会心理学和工业及组织心理学的理论。
It's a good look at issues in organizational psychology, because it describes in detail how a lot of seemingly smart people worked together to accomplish a lot of dumb things.
Her teaching and Research areas: Organizational Psychology, Emotions in Organizations, Group and teams psychodynamics, Strategic Human Resource Management.
- organizational chart