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词汇 orange glow
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orange grove───奥兰治格罗夫(位于澳大利亚西部,OrangeGrove);柑橘园

orange box───橙色盒子

orange groves───奥兰治格罗夫(位于澳大利亚西部,OrangeGrove);柑橘园

orange pekoe───橙黄白毫;柑桔香红茶;上等红茶

orange blossom───香橙花;橙花鸡尾酒

anode glow───阳辉光,[电子]阳极辉光

orange lily───橘子百合

orange peel───橙皮;[涂料]橘皮皱

orange rust───黄锈病


The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains.───橘红色的夕阳辉映着群山。

brush fire, Kim Cooper thought as she spotted an orange glow ahead on Interstate 75.───号州际公路上,金姆·库珀发现前面有一个橘红色的亮点,她以为是灌丛火。

I was very grateful for the orange glow of the fire through the canvas tent.───我非常感激帆布帐篷里透出的橘色灯光。

The sun had set, and I was watching what seemed to be the bright-orange glow of a forest fire beyond a ridge to the east.───日已西沉,入我眼帘的,犹如森林大火那橙黄色亮光,自山脊后向东射来。

On the other end of the dining room was a tall marble fireplace, always lit by the orange glow of a fire in the wintertime.───餐厅的另一头摆放着高的大理石壁炉,冬天的时候,壁炉里总是扑闪着橙色的火焰。

One night as I walked alone on the beach, I saw the red orange glow of the lava pouring out of Kilauea Volcano in the distance.───一天夜晚,我走在沙滩上,看到远处乞劳伊阿火山喷出橙红色的岩浆。

Sealed in a smooth white, soft-as-velvet case with an orange 'Glow' and glitz of a JLO logo.───密封在一个光滑的白色,软如绒的情况下与一个橙色的“夜光”和一个JLO标志浮华。

When you turned the knob to switch it on, an orange glow would gradually light up a darkened room on a winter's evening.───当你扭开旋钮,一道橙色的亮光会逐渐照亮一个冬季傍晚的漆黑房间。

Looks like a brush fire, Kim Cooper thought as she spotted an orange glow ahead on Interstate 75.───75号州际公路上,金姆·库珀发现前面有一个橘红色的亮点,她以为是灌丛火。


There was a warm orange glow in the sky.

Lenin and Stalin lay together in an orange glow at the bottom of a stone stairway.

It was still light and the orange glow in the western sky promised good weather for Sunday.

Sixty-three, and there it was: a dull orange glow.

The orange glow to their right faded but did not disappear.

The sunset threw an orange glow on the cliffs.

An eerie orange glow lights up the devastation of Bijlmermeer - the Amsterdam suburb set ablaze by a crashing El Al plane.

There was an orange glow in the sky and he drew in his breath as he realised the cause of it.

The setting sun cast an orange glow over the mountains.

  • orange tree
  • orange-colored bread
  • orange-colored spice
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  • orange-brown hair
  • orange brown color
  • orange shoes
  • orange groves
  • orange colored sky
  • orange breeze
  • orange bag
  • oranges calories
  • orange soda
  • orange girl
  • orange colored cheese from france crossword
  • oranges and lemons
  • orange fairy
  • orange song
  • orange-yellow rgb
  • orange-yellow pee




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