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词汇 on the rocks
释义 on the rocks
on the rocks发音


触礁的; (婚姻)濒于破裂的; 身无分文的; (酒等饮料)加冰的


on the stocks───在建造中

on the books───有案可查;载入名册

on the rack───十分痛苦

on the ropes───濒于失败;完全无力回击;处于困境

on the block───出售中;在拍卖中

on the cross───不光明正大地;对角

on the hook───陷入圈套;拖延

on the outs───与某人不和,与某人意见不一致;堕落边缘

on the rails───正常进行;在正常轨道上


The storm cast the little rowboat on the rocks.───风暴把这条小划艇抛到岩石上.

The hook which he had thrown did not catch on the rocks, and dropped back to the ground.───他甩出去的钩子没挂住石头, 又落回到地面.

The tanker is stuck fast on the rocks.───油轮紧卡在礁石中间动弹不得。

She confided to her mother six months ago that her marriage was on the rocks.───6个月前,她向母亲透露自己的婚姻已经岌岌可危。

The breakers dashed on the rocks.───波浪撞击着岩石.

I can see an eagle's nest on the rocks.───我能看到岩石上的一个鹰巢。

The ship broke up on the rocks.───船触礁撞碎了。

The thunder of the sea on the rocks seemed to blank out other thoughts.───海水拍打礁石的咆哮声似乎要淹没一切思绪。

She was sitting on the rocks in the torrid sun.───她头顶灼热的骄阳坐在岩石上.

I can see an eagle's nest on the rocks.───我能看到岩石上的鹰巢。

In the storm our ship drove on the rocks.───在狂风暴雨中,我们的船触礁了.

In the brief space of time the company went on the rocks.───那家公司很快就破产了.

Our film industry is on the rocks.───我们的电影业困难重重。

The boat was smashed on the rocks.───船在暗礁上碰得粉碎.

Sue's marriage is on the rocks.───苏的婚姻触礁。

On a calm day, the sea laps on the rocks.───风平浪静时, 海水轻轻拍打着岩石.

The warden took us to a vantage point on the slopes where we saw herring gulls on the rocks below.───管理员把我们带到斜坡上的一处有利位置,我们从那里看到了下面岩石上的银鸥。

Their marriage has been on the rocks for a couple of months.───他们的婚姻触礁好几个月了,已经濒于破裂.

  • onwards and upwards
  • only for u
  • on the flat
  • online fraud
  • on mine
  • one amp only
  • on ground
  • on a hike
  • on the beam
  • only to some
  • on the contrary
  • one after one
  • on a plane
  • on one time
  • one the others
  • one love blue
  • on the beach
  • only in this way can you
  • only for your
  • on the danger list
  • on a puzzle




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