

词汇 on the right track
释义 on the right track
on the right track发音




the right track───正道

on the right/wrong track───在正确/错误的轨道上

on the pig's back───在猪的背上

on the right foot───以好的方式开始;开张大吉;开门红

on the right lines───在正确的路线上;在右边的线上

on the wrong track───想法不对;在错误的轨道

in the right ballpark───在正确的棒球场

on the wrong tack───航向错误,走错道路

on the right side of───在右侧;不满…岁


You are probably on the right track if you feel like a sidewalk worm during a rainstorm.───如果你感觉自己像暴风雨中人行道上的虫子,那很可能你就真的走对路了。

We're on the right track but we're just not quite there.───我们的方向是对的,但是我们就是还没找到.

I'm on the right track and I think in the final analysis people will understand that.───我的思路对头,我认为最终人们会明白的。

Our work with innovative OEMs shows we are on the right track.───我们与广大创新原始设备制造商的合作表明,我们正行进在正确的轨道上.

Yes, she was sure she was on the right track, now; he must have been a house servant.───是的,她现在确信自己找对了方向;他一定是个家仆。

Guests are returning in increasing numbers— a sure sign that we are on the right track.───回头客越来越多了——这显然表明我们的路走对了。

Take it one step and you are on the right track.───只要你一步步努力,就会朝着正确的方向发展.

returning in increasing numbers – a sure sign that we are on the right track.───回头客越来越多–一个我们做得对的确凿迹象。

Britain is on the right track. Don't turn back.───英国现在走的是条正确的道路, 千万不能倒退.

Production has already been put on the right track.───生产已经走上轨道.

You're on the right track.───你的想法是对的.

Now, you're on the right track.───这就对了.

Okay, you're already on the right track.───很好, 你已经走出了正确的一步了.

Yes, but you're on the right track.───没错, 但是你想的方向是对的.

We need a convincing win to put us back on the right track.───我们需要一场令人信服的大胜,以重回正轨。

This time he was on the right track, sure.───这一次他总算走对了路, 毫无疑问.

Well, you were on the right track then.───嗯, 那你想的方向并没错.

It is our responsibility to put them on the right track.───我们有责任帮助他们走上正道.


You're on the right track.

  • onwards and upwards
  • only for u
  • on the flat
  • online fraud
  • on mine
  • one amp only
  • on ground
  • on a hike
  • on the beam
  • only to some
  • on the contrary
  • one after one
  • on a plane
  • on one time
  • one the others
  • one love blue
  • on the beach
  • only in this way can you
  • only for your
  • on the danger list
  • on a puzzle




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