

词汇 one after one
释义 one after one
one after one发音



one after another───adv.接连地;一个接一个地

one to one───一对一,一个对一个

month after month───一月又一月

gone after───追求,追逐

one by one───一个接一个

one on one───一对一

hour after hour───连续地


The gun misfired after one shot and jammed.───了一枪后,枪哑火卡住了。

Last year the business went belly up after one of the partners resigned.───去年一位合伙人退出后,这家企业就垮掉了。

The boy sat beside the railway line and watched the trains roaring by one after one.───男孩坐在路轨旁看着火车一辆接一辆呼啸而过。

It a is accepted by one after one generation since Lu Xun defined Travels of Lao Tsan as condemnation novel.───自鲁迅将《老残游记》纳入谴责小说后,便经代代承传,如今已成常识。

Since China introduced reform and opening policies, it has made a headway in economic development and created miracles one after one.───改革开放至今,中国的经济社会迅猛发展,创造了一个接一个的财富神话。

Then the kindergarten, school and soft drink factory were built one after one. The field was replaced by a cement playground.───渐渐的,医院里盖起了幼儿园、学校、还有汽水厂,油菜花地变成了水泥铺的操场。

The first maxim: the human life is the process that continous rushing into circles one after one with continuous fighting for recognition.───第一条箴言:人的一生就是不断地闯入一个又一个圈子并不断争取承认的过程。

Melody lilting , we spin waving one after one;───旋律渐快,波浪迴转一个接一个。

  • one amp only
  • one after one
  • one the others
  • one love blue
  • one sided synonym
  • one the why
  • one last love
  • one the world
  • one more round
  • one anther
  • one horse has approximately
  • one of her
  • one to joy
  • one story
  • one fan
  • one s
  • one is all
  • one fine day
  • one too one
  • one remix
  • one please




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