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词汇 one after another
释义 one after another
one after another发音


相继地,依次地; 先后; 连; 接二连三


one with another───一个接一个

one thing after another───一件接着一件

one way and another───不管怎样;总的来看

one another───彼此,互相

one or other───或者别个;不管哪一个

or another───或另一个

one thing and another───(非正式)这样那样的事(泛指许多事情)


Foreign archaeologists are arriving one after another.───外国的考古学者们联翩而至.

bills kept coming in, one after another.───账单纷至沓来。

At this century, great earthquake took place one after another around the world.───本世纪, 大地震在全世界接连不断发生.

But at last the shells cracked, one after another.───最后,蛋壳一个接着一个地裂开了.

The delegates arrived one after another.───代表们陆续到达.

They visited his office one after another.───他们一个接一个的访问他的办公室.

The athletes are entering the sports ground one after another.───运动员已经陆续进场了.

the Italian bases in the desert fell as the retreat turned into a rout.───当撤退转变为溃败时,意大利在那个沙漠中的基地接连失守。

People took the floor one after another.───会上发言踊跃.

With the most painful emotion, one after another inquired, " Lord, is it I? "───他们以极痛苦的心情, 一个一个地问耶稣说 “ 主, 是我 吗 ? ”

The rest of his ambitious projects had dried up, one after another.───他的那些雄心勃勃的计划,便都一个个胎死腹中.

Subsequently, other countries followed, one after another out of the depositor protection.───随后, 其他各国萧规曹随, 纷纷出台了对储户的保护措施.

Archaeological finds have been made one after another.───地下文物迭有发现.

Several of the lights went out, one after another.───其中几盏灯一个接一个地熄灭了。

The foreign teachers answered the questions one after another gladly.───他们愉快地逐一回答同学们的问题.

Please line up one after another.───请按顺序排队。

Visitors came one after another.───访问者接踵而来.

Evil and people very close, so one after another to find them.───因为恶与人很亲近, 所以恶很快就会找到人们.

Novel antifungal antibiotics from microorganism have been found one after another.───近几年来,新的微生物来源的抗真菌药物不断涌现.

The once powerful figures have also disappeared from the scene one after another.───那些烜赫一时的人物也一个个销声匿迹了.

One after another of his scouts arrived, each brought him more discomfortable news.───接二连三回来的探子, 都给他带来了更使人烦恼的消息.

Bicycles whizzed through one after another.───自行车一辆接一辆嗖嗖地疾驶而过.

She belted out ballads and hillbilly songs one after another all evening.───她整晚一个接一个地大唱民谣和乡村小调.

One after another they all came with their troubles.───人们一个个地带着自己的烦恼前来.

They went into the classroom one after another.───他们一个接一个地走进教室.

One after another, all of them fell asleep.───那些人一个接一个地睡着了.

The enemy strongholds fell one after another.───敌方据点相继被攻破.

Little red and green lanterns began to appear , floating on the lake, one after another.───这时水面上接连地浮起了红绿色的小灯笼.

One after another, people described how hard it is for them to get medical care.───人们一个接一个地讲述获得医疗保健服务对于他们是何其困难。

We carried on experiments one after another and piled up experience and data as well.───我们进行了一个又一个的实验,也积累了经验和数据.

She went to the tulips and began cutting them off, one after another.───她走向郁金香并开始剪下一朵又一朵.

The guests came one after another.───客人们陆续来了.


Please line up one after another.

  • one amp only
  • one after one
  • one the others
  • one love blue
  • one sided synonym
  • one the why
  • one last love
  • one the world
  • one more round
  • one anther
  • one horse has approximately
  • one of her
  • one to joy
  • one story
  • one fan
  • one s
  • one is all
  • one fine day
  • one too one
  • one remix
  • one please




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