石油生产; 产油量
film production───电影制作
pilot production───试验性生产
voice production───语音制作
acid production───产酸作用;产酸
food production───食品生产;粮食生产;食品加工
halt production───停产
pair production───[物][电子]电子偶的产生
Non - OPEC oil production has continued to rise.───非 石油输出国组织的石油产量持续上升.
Oil production with hollow rod is one of plug in pumps.───空心杆采油属套管插入式泵的一种.
The war caused a large - scale drop in oil production.───战争使石油大幅度减产.
The unloading system of absorbent applying for oil production process is introduced.───主要介绍了应用于润滑油生产过程的吸附剂下料系统.
Water flooding oil field is an important method for oil production.───油田注水是采油生产的重要手段.
The oil companies have lost their power over oil price and oil production.───石油公司已经失去了对油价和石油产量的控制。
Oil production remains plagued by inefficiency.───无效率仍然困扰着石油生产。
Also, Iraqi is slowly rebuilding its oil production ability.───同时, 伊拉克也在慢慢的重建其石油生产能力.
OPEC has agreed to freeze its global oil production slightly in order to firm up crude prices.───石油输出国组织已同意对全球石油生产稍加冻结,以稳定原油价格。
Applicafion of the Low - Frequency Electrical Pulse Oil Production Technology in the Downhole.───与井下 低频 电脉冲采油技术的应用>>相似的文献.
Oil production from Daqing peaked at about 1.1m barrels per day (b/d) in 1997.───大庆的石油产量在1997年达到峰值——每天110万桶(b/d)。
Using well waterflood stimulation could help complement producing energy and oil production.───通过单井注水吞吐,可以补充地层能量,恢复油井产量.
China has placed more emphasis on domestic oil production.───中国更加重视国内的石油生产.
It can be extensively applied to tubing string for oil production technology.───可广泛应用于油水井增产增注工艺管柱上.
OPEC expected at the meeting will be announced reduction in oil production.───市场预计欧佩克将在会上宣布下调石油产量.
Prudhoe Bay accounts for half Alaska's oil production.───普拉德霍湾的产量占阿拉斯加石油产量的一半.
At some date in the 1990s British oil production will probably tail off.───到20世纪90年代的某个时候,英国石油产量可能会逐渐减少。
Oil production peaked in the early 1980s.───年代初期,石油产量达到了最高峰。
- oily stormwater drainage
- oily food
- oily forehead
- oil paint
- oil slick
- oilcloth cosmetic bag
- oil shower
- oily rags
- oil and gas
- oily hair
- oiliness mean
- oil ex
- oil patch
- oil production
- oils and fats
- oil price
- oiled oak
- oils of life
- oilingel cleanser
- oil deposit
- oil burner