

词汇 oh boy
释义 oh boy
oh boy发音



oh, boy!───哦,天哪!

old boy───老生;(招呼用)老朋友

po' boy───穷小子三明治

the boy───男孩

toy boy───小白脸儿

boot boy───n.粗暴孩童;擦鞋男童

copy boy───报馆里送稿付印的人;出版社的小工友

old boys───老生;(招呼用)老朋友

poor boy───切开中间夹肉干酪蔬菜等的大三明治


Oh boy! what resourceful children I have.───好家伙!我的孩子们多机智啊。

But, if you're a developer, oh boy, would I be unhappy.───但如果你是个开发者,诶,哥们儿,我真替你难过。

Oh boy! That's great!───哇!真了不起!

Oh boy, you know I'm not much of a speech maker. I might just send everybody heading for the door. Where should I begin?───哦,老天!你们都晓得我不是一个很会说话的人,我可能只会让大家立刻夺门而出!我该从那里讲起呢?

Oh, boy, I've spent the whole day on my tax return. I still have more to do, but I simply have to come up for air.───咳,我整整一天都在埋头做我的报税单,我还有不少没完成,但是我可真得喘口气歇一下了。

This subjects food to a force about 50, 000 times that of normal gravity, and oh boy, does it clarify chicken stock.───它对食物施加相当于5000倍重力的力量。哦孩子,它能过滤鸡汤?

Thanks so much. Good to see you. Thanks so much, oh Boy.───“非常感谢,很高兴见到你,非常感谢,孩子…”罗姆尼说。

Rachel: Oh, boy! His wife can't be happy about that.───噢,男孩啊!他的妻子一定很不高兴。

By now we've all heard the speculative names, and oh boy, is it a murderers ' row of managers.───目前我们听到好几个猜测的名字。我的天,看起来好像一长串总教头的杀手名单。


Oh boy! Bethany's sick again.

Oh Boy , I am seeing red about having bowled so poorly.

In 1984, he started Oh Boy as an outlet for his songwriting.

Oh boy I need a round of applause.

Oh, boy, I guess they do airbrush out the tattoo, don't they?

Oh boy, this record's going to raise a few hackles.

Pokemon? Oh boy, that is kid stuff!

Oh Boy! Just think what I could tell him.

Oh boy! That's great!

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  • oh my Hoeyr
  • oh my baby baby
  • oh the road
  • oh oh
  • oh very nice
  • oh my say
  • oh why why why




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