offering prices───要价;卖出价
offer price───要价;卖出价
offer prices───要价;卖出价
asking price───要价;索价
ceiling price───最高限价
closing price───[金融]收盘价格
selling price───[物价]卖价
starting price───赛马或赛狗开始时生效的投注赔率
striking price───n.定约价;协定价格,履约价格
Investors didn't flock to WSP even after it reduced its offering price.───尽管WSP控股下调了募股价,但投资者并未因此趋之若鹜。
WSP Holdings was at $8.54, slightly higher than its offering price of $8.50.───WSP控股周四收于8.54美元,略高于8.50美元的募股价。
Often, after an initial frenzy on an IPO, the stocks later fall below offering price.───通常来说, 一笔IPO在经历最初的热捧之后, 股价随后就会跌破发行价.
Asks you to consider our offering price once more, prompt ordering.───请你们再次考虑我们的报盘, 及时订货.
stock closed at 9.11 euros yesterday, 35 percent more than the rights offering price.───昨天西班牙对外银行股价收于9.11欧元,高于发行价35%。
Increased competition caused a narrowing of the margins between bid and offer price, and a reduction in commissions.
Tadpole Technology grabbed the limelight, up another 8p at 143p and nearly double its 75p offer price.
Our special offer price is £25.75.
BET shares closed just above the offer price, up 1.5p at 207p.
Our special offer price is £25.95.
The special offer price is £93.40.
The shares jumped 5p to 215p, 5p above the July offer price.
The maximum spread between the bid and offer prices is fixed by a government formula.
At the initial offer price for the unit trust of 50p, the estimated gross yield is 6.25%.
- offering financial
- offering price
- offering letter