

词汇 of a sort
释义 of a sort
of a sort发音




after a sort───稍微;有几分

of a size───大小一样

of sorts───各种各样的

to assort───分类

for a start───首先;作为开始

for a song───非常便宜地;廉价地

of a truth───真理

of sorts/a sort───种类/种类

on a skite───是一个滑雪板


They have had an education of a sort.───他们勉强算是读过一点儿书。

There is integration of a sort, but integration a transcendent or subjective type a Neptunian type.───这是有机同一而一体化的,具备超验或者强烈主观愿望的一体化性格 —— 海王星的个性.

The want of most men was knowledge of a sort which brings wisdom rather than affluence.───大多数人所需要的知识,是能给人智慧的那一类,而不是能使人致富的那一类.

I should have given him a word of a sort.───我真该责骂他几句.

That will be unification of a sort.───那将会是名不副实的统一。

Paul is an artist of a sort.───保罗是个名不副实的艺术家.

This represents progress, of a sort.───这依然代表着进步。

Secondly, we discuss the convergence of a sort of discrete BSDEs and simulate its solutions.───其次, 讨论了一类离散型倒向随机微分方程的收敛性问题及其解的描述.

My job gives me free range of a sort. As much as you can find nowadays.───我的职业给了我某种自由驰骋的天地, 是当今能得到的最大的天地了.

In this kind of literature, they can make sense strictly out of a sort of fabular logic.───在这种文学中,他们可以完全根据某种寓言逻辑来理解。

The husband and wife were having words of a sort.───夫妻俩正在吵架.

It's progress of a sort.───这是一种进步.


They served coffee of a sort.

Well, all archaeologists were thieves, of a sort.

He found himself in the semidarkness of a sort of anteroom.

A veterinary surgeon is a doctor of a sort.

They have had an education of a sort.

This is playing hardball, but it is hardball of a sort familiar in these dealings.

Guide-posts of a sort are much older than milestones.

Well, Andrew Dequasie was a rocket scientist of a sort.

He was a poet of a sort.

  • off to lunch
  • of week
  • off broadway shoes
  • off my life
  • of hot
  • off to sleep
  • offer to
  • of and for
  • often dirty
  • of crayons
  • of course l will
  • office parties
  • officious syn
  • off of
  • office diary
  • offering financial
  • of choice
  • office supplies
  • officinalis plant
  • off my mind
  • of my all




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