nuclear reactors───[核]核反应堆;核子反应器;原子反应堆
nuclear reaction───核子反应
nuclear reactions───核子反应
nuclear weapon───核武器
nuclear disaster───核灾难
nuclear button───核按钮
nuclear plant───核电厂;核电站;核能发电厂
nuclear plants───核电厂;核电站;核能发电厂
nuclear test───核试验
The waste water containing radioactive tritium will be generated when the nuclear reactor is in operation.───核反应堆在工作过程中产生大量带有放射性的含氚废水.
The whole assembly is called a nuclear reactor.───整个组合体称为核反应堆.
Four U.S. nuclear reactor vendors competed aggressively for new orders.───四家美国核反应堆卖主争相签署新的定购合同.
A nuclear reactor generates prodigious amounts of heat.───一座核反应堆能发出巨大的热量.
It can be used as nuclear reactor cooling material and the reducing agent in organic synthesis.───可以用作核反应堆的冷却材料,有机合成的还原剂.
Its radar equipment was powered by a nuclear reactor.───其雷达装置由一核反应堆提供动力.
He added, at this speed, they will be generating more heat per cubic centimeter than a nuclear reactor.───他补充,在这种速度下,每立方厘米产生的热将超过核反应堆。
The research results have been applied in engineering practice in nuclear reactor.───阶段研究成果,已经应用于核反应堆的工程实际.
Power nuclear reactor: the primary purpose of this reactor is producing power.───二动力用核子反应器: 以产生动力为主要目的而设计或运转之反应器.
They shut down the nuclear reactor for safety reasons.───出于安全原因他们关闭了核反应堆。
The Nuclear reactor is the heart of a nuclear power plant.───核电站的心脏是核反应堆.
In the distance there is a nuclear reactor power station.───在远方有一座核电站.
He successfully deactivated a nuclear reactor in a laboratory before meltdown.───他成功停用一个核反应堆在实验室之前崩溃.
That the nuclear reactor burnt in Chernobyl brought Russian a crop of misfortunes.───切尔诺贝利核反应堆爆炸给苏联人带来许多灾难.
Research nuclear reactor: the primary purpose of this reactor is teaching, research or experiment.───一研究用核子反应器: 以教学 、 研究或实验为主要任务之反应器.
The nuclear reactor with new much will be built in Russia Europe area and industrial area.───大部分新的核反应堆将建在俄罗斯欧洲地区和工业地区.
One design of the passive residual heat removal ( PRHR ) system of nuclear reactor was presented.───提出了一种反应堆非能动 余热 排出系统的方案设计.
In 2007, Israel bombed a facility in Syria it claimed was a nuclear reactor.───2007年, 以色列轰炸叙利亚一座据称是核反应堆的设施.
The samples are normally irradiated in the'moderate'part of a nuclear reactor.───样品通常要放在反应堆的 “ 减速 ” 区中进行辐照.
The nuclear reactor was not damaged in the lightning storm that struck late last night.───核反应堆在昨晚后半夜的雷雨中没有受损。
Many nuclear reactor cores consist of radioactive fuel rods dunked in water.───许多核反应堆的核心部分就是由浸在水中的放射性燃料棒组成.
Large areas of land have been contaminated by the leakage from the nuclear reactor.───大片地区都被核反应堆的泄漏物污染了.
An ageing nuclear reactor is an accident waiting to happen.───老化的核反应堆早晚会出事故.
I can't believe that bacteria can exist inside nuclear reactor cooling tanks.───我不相信细菌能在核反应堆冷却塔中生存.
A preliminary analysis and evaluation of the design , systems and components of the nuclear reactor.───三核子反应器结构 、 系统及组合件之初步分析及评估.
the core of a nuclear reactor───核反应堆的活性区
A nuclear reactor is the apparatus in which atoms are split.───核反应堆是分裂原子的装置.
A thermal nuclear reactor can be used to generate electricity.───热核反应堆可以用作发电.
a cutaway picture of the inside of a nuclear reactor───核反应堆内部的剖面图
Exelon Corp. will explore building a new nuclear reactor downstate.───爱克斯龙电力公司会在州的最南部研发建造一个新的核反应堆。
The incident occurred when the graphite core of a British nuclear reactor caught fire near Cumberland.───位于坎伯兰郡附近的一个英国核反应堆石墨堆芯起火酿成核灾难.
- nuclear winter
- nuclear power
- nuclear energy
- nuclear power plants